俺も健太みたいに伸びないスレを立てようと思う 英文ソースをドヤ顔で貼ればいいんだろ?


'We hold the Iranian government responsible,' says William Hague

British Foreign Office 'outraged' by 'utterly unacceptable vandalism'
White House condemns unrest in 'strongest possible terms'

Demonstrators clash with riot police before ransacking building

Students chant 'death to England' as they burn the Union Jack and tear up pictures of The Queen

Attack comes two days after Iran approves bill to reduce diplomatic relations with Britain
By Ian Drury, Michael Purcell and Tim Shipman

Last updated at 1:28 AM on 30th November 2011


David Cameron expressed outrage last night after hardline Iranian protesters stormed the British Embassy in Tehran and tried to take staff hostage.
A frenzied mob of militant students ransacked the main building and a smaller diplomatic compound in the city.
They lobbed petrol bombs, smashed windows, stole classified documents, torched the Union flag and even tore up a portrait of the Queen.
Protesters break into the British Embassy and tear down the Union Jack. Some then proceeded to ransack offices
Clashes: Students wearing some form of purple and green bandanna with Islamic writing on it push against riot police who had been protecting the embassy
A car goes up in flames as an Iranian protester fearing an explosion flees across the road inside the British Embassy

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2067613/Iranian-students-storm-British-Embassy-Tehran-staff-taken-hostage.html#ixzz1fAq91ZEN