川`・ω・) Crap, I can't stop, won't stop Morning, noon and night I'm farting so loud Everyone, together, take a chance chance to fart, Bang bang, loose 'em up, Give give, your smells, BOO BOO, express 'em If you fart out, fake it with "AHA!" and do it one more time!
Everyone has a tiny firearm in them called "asshole" Packed tightly with smells of "fruits" and gas Easily it can sound POO, BUBO-MOWA, I'll sing about these asses loaded with chaos I'll let it all out
(`;ω;´) Even in On-Air times, she unconsciously farted Considering as a terror is OK, it's a big deal, suddenly break out a tragedy Threads built in 2-channel is "burning" extremely It's almost certain that she farted!
This, We can't forgive, won't forgive But, instantly administrators stopped our threads We only built threads about farts she did, in "News Headline" "Oh, that's just a noise" "No way!" We heard it, BOO-BOO! With enough cautions, surely surely tomorrow again, Read read, Yonekura threads, Watch-out, for real, dodge dodge, her farts. If we're showered in smells, we'll never survive. Crimes!
Q.今北. What happened? A. Flatus that the incident occurred in the 7th Yonekura Ryouko TV broadcasting in September 11, 2006. Q. Koita's really a fart? A. Verification is therefore in many tea Encyclopedia, fart to be confirmed. Currently under investigation also came as a real possibility. Q. Is not noise? A. Scene in question, on the other audible sound firmly Yonekura's face, not the noise that is evident by watching her reaction. Q. Bunshun article but it says the noise was A. The incident was discussed in Shukan Bunshun was released on September 20, unless you view the contents of the article, there is a possible acquisition. Q. In a not to the A. There's a real possibility. Q. The truth came out? A. Out as it may, is under investigation. Q. Bubobo (`; ω; ') Mowatsu ← Why are you crying? A.現Shi have a sense of openness and a sense of pathos in his flatus. Q. Why are you still playing? A. Official comment, but still no apology. We also have an obligation to future generations we must tell this incident. Q. You fill the office he'm hostile? A.爆者 nationwide by fart Q. You too damn about you guys? I Yonekura's poor A. All the guff on human physiological phenomena during the live broadcast, the country will not indiscriminately flatus. Q. Go VIP A. The story is not. Q. Shiro Suresuto A. Good for the mortal sin it is historically impossible. If Suresuto by the firm's acquisition and management 2ch. Q. Are you ever do?飽Kiro it fast! A. Official comment, continue until there is an apology. Remember No More Yonekura 9.11 We will not yield to terrorism
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