Ryoko Yonekura, Ryuichi Sakamoto among winners at 'Whisky Lovers Awards 2010'

81 ハンドクリーム(四国):2010/12/13(月) 08:33:09.62 ID:j/F4tm9RO
                     / \
                    /     \
             ____/       \  
           ((_)_;_;)   l゙~゙゙゙゙ ヽ、 \
           ((_)_;_;_)  .'⌒ヽ _   |_____
           ((_)_;_;) i   .゙゙゙″    (;_;_(_))
           ((_)_;_)・ ヽ       (;_;_;_(_))
               |r──ヽ,       (;_:_:_(_))
               |!゙゙゙゙゙゙'''ヽ       (;_;_(_))
               \ .__ l /      ((_/
                 \       /
      ∧_∧       \     /
 | ̄ ̄ ̄|(^ν^ ) Never forget・・・・と /
 |     |¬ と__)         |/
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|        
82 半纏(不明なsoftbank):2010/12/13(月) 08:34:46.79 ID:ZHlnt7IhP
boomin! come here!!
83 ホールケーキ(東京都):2010/12/13(月) 08:35:21.75 ID:OcRITgal0
84 囲炉裏(関東):2010/12/13(月) 08:38:44.26 ID:lGzizxD5O
search and destroy BUBOBOOO
85 ダッフルコート(神奈川県):2010/12/13(月) 08:40:01.51 ID:4uv0yY7A0
86 雪かき(北海道):2010/12/13(月) 08:45:16.09 ID:+DQe/Cn30

87 半纏(東京都):2010/12/13(月) 08:57:39.62 ID:9GU2pd9ZP
Grow old already, Ryuichi.
88 甘鯛(青森県):2010/12/13(月) 08:58:51.45 ID:zm/Rd1+r0
dejima de yare
89 キンカン(関東・甲信越):2010/12/13(月) 09:02:17.62 ID:cGRxLmjzO
BUbobo mowar
90 ダッフルコート(catv?):2010/12/13(月) 09:55:12.93 ID:fpgsYrPeQ

         ,r '" ̄"'''丶,
        ./.゙゙゙゙゙   .l゙~゙゙゙゙ ヽ\
       . i´ ri⌒.'li、 .'⌒ヽ  'i::`i,
      .| ′ .゙゜  .゙゙゙″ .:::l::::::!
      |,   ,r'!ヾ・ ヽ,  .::::.|:::::::i  I've already deleted !
      .i,  ./,r──ヽ, :::::::i::::,r'
      ゙ヽ、  .ヾ!゙゙゙゙゙゙'''ヽ、_ノ  
        `'''゙i ._____ l /ヽ 
    /\ へ  ゙ヽ ___ノ’_/
    へ、   | ̄\ー フ ̄ |\ー
  / / ̄\ |  >| ̄|Σ |  |
  , ┤    |/|_/ ̄\_| \|
 |  \_/  ヽ
 |   __( ̄  |
 |   __) 〜ノ
 人  __) ノ

91 雁(兵庫県):2010/12/13(月) 10:09:50.85 ID:4jGq7fH/0
Boo! Boo! maniac(He-on! 2nd opening Themes) Houhigo Boo Time

川`・ω・) Crap, I can't stop, won't stop
Morning, noon and night I'm farting so loud
Everyone, together, take a chance chance to fart,
Bang bang, loose 'em up,
Give give, your smells, BOO BOO, express 'em
If you fart out, fake it with "AHA!" and do it one more time!

Everyone has a tiny firearm in them called "asshole"
Packed tightly with smells of "fruits" and gas
Easily it can sound POO, BUBO-MOWA,
I'll sing about these asses loaded with chaos
I'll let it all out

(`;ω;´) Even in On-Air times, she unconsciously farted
Considering as a terror is OK, it's a big deal, suddenly break out a tragedy
Threads built in 2-channel is "burning" extremely
It's almost certain that she farted!

This, We can't forgive, won't forgive
But, instantly administrators stopped our threads
We only built threads about farts she did, in "News Headline"
"Oh, that's just a noise" "No way!"
We heard it, BOO-BOO!
With enough cautions, surely surely tomorrow again,
Read read, Yonekura threads,
Watch-out, for real, dodge dodge, her farts.
If we're showered in smells, we'll never survive. Crimes!
92 オリオン座(東京都):2010/12/13(月) 10:23:08.90 ID:YiHB2h700
    川`;ω;´)  <  boomin!!!
93 カリフラワー(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 10:26:23.25 ID:E+K678bI0
94 缶コーヒー(神奈川県):2010/12/13(月) 10:36:25.99 ID:jAXVEeB90
It's a noize.
95 半纏(内モンゴル自治区):2010/12/13(月) 10:40:17.34 ID:eWsBb6kVP
I have already erased it!
96 コーンスープ(埼玉県):2010/12/13(月) 11:05:06.74 ID:vIExrxjg0
       (\  (・ω・´川/\ キュィァァァァ     わ、我々は屁爆テロには屈しない
        \ \/      / 。 o          ∧_∧  
         \_/\    \ | / 。        (;ω;` ) 
              \  ) _) -         ⊂    つ     ∧∧ ____
              / /`ヽ.ヽ。         ( (  (       (;ω;`,)__丶〜
             〈  く    \ \      (((((_(_)       U U   U U
             ヽ_)    (_)

                      _ l l   l l      
                       /   ―|―        
                      ノ,   / | \ ── ッ 
       (\  (・ω・´川/\    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    
        \ \/      /\.\/       ジュッ                         
         \_/\    \ /         ,;;;,,,;;;;,,            ジュッ            
              \  ) _)          ,,;; ; ;; ;               ,;;;,,;;;                 
              / /`ヽ. \           ,,;;,,           ,;;;; ; ;; ;,,,;;;,,,;;;,,,         
             〈  く    \. \       ;;;; ;;;;           ,,;;;;",,  ,;; ;;,,;;,;,;,;;;,;;       
             ヽ_)    (_. \____,,;;;;;;;;;;,______;;_______;;;,_,;,;;  

97 ボジョレー(catv?):2010/12/13(月) 11:08:28.86 ID:6l3iXI2p0
I feel bboshinn...
98 コーンスープ(北海道):2010/12/13(月) 11:11:13.32 ID:M124yVjQO
So that,who are you?
99 半纏(東京都):2010/12/13(月) 12:22:58.97 ID:Ki3hIWDbP
This is awful...
100 聖歌隊(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 14:46:43.09 ID:dk2i8dGu0
101 風邪ぐすり(東京都):2010/12/13(月) 14:52:18.35 ID:5XHXAXdCP
No Japanese
102 聖歌隊(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 14:54:48.54 ID:dk2i8dGu0
103 ロングブーツ(中国・四国):2010/12/13(月) 15:08:09.83 ID:kCkSA6SUO
We love Yonekura's Ass hole.
104 焼きりんご(関西地方):2010/12/13(月) 15:08:36.56 ID:ISVfjuX+0
That's was just a noise.
105 聖歌隊(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 15:10:32.87 ID:dk2i8dGu0
106 聖歌隊(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 15:11:41.69 ID:dk2i8dGu0
107 アロエ(奈良県):2010/12/13(月) 15:12:31.33 ID:HNJ64HKs0
  /\/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  >             \
 /               \/ ̄ ̄\
/                   < ̄ ̄\
|                      \
|      // ∧ 人      )   \
|    / ////  ) /| /|∧| | ̄\|
\   |\┏━━━━//━∨/┓/  ノ
 /\ |   |   // /━ |  ///
 \    |__//_/   \//」
 <\_          ゝ  | Does not make wind actress
     λ          /  Yonekura's live broadcast…
    /\.\    ⌒  /   This incident is supposed mastermind behind the others right!
  /\  \ \__ イ\    
     \  .| ̄\  / ̄|\
       \ |  く| ̄|つ |
         |_/ ̄\_|
108 雪うさぎ(dion軍):2010/12/13(月) 15:12:53.19 ID:zI+LzVXJ0
なに。Ryoko Yonekuraが放屁テロしたってこと?
109 囲炉裏(岡山県):2010/12/13(月) 15:13:41.99 ID:YjsePqgy0
I'll never forgive.
110 冬休み(鹿児島県):2010/12/13(月) 15:14:37.10 ID:uEZ+qjDT0
Good smell!!
111 大掃除(dion軍):2010/12/13(月) 15:16:12.60 ID:pCDPVbtu0
That is just noise.
112 アロエ(奈良県):2010/12/13(月) 15:16:24.71 ID:HNJ64HKs0
 /\/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  >             \
 /               \/ ̄ ̄\
/                   < ̄ ̄\
|                      \
|      // ∧ 人      )   \
|    / ////  ) /| /|∧| | ̄\|
\   |   .゙゙゙゙゙   //.l゙~゙゙゙゙  /  ノ
 /\ |    ri⌒.'li、   .'⌒ヽ /
 \     ′ .゙゜    .゙゙゙″/
 <\_     ,r'!ヾ・ ヽ,   | 
     λ    /──ヽ /   The man behind it IKKO! No doubt! !
    /\.\  イ'''゙゙゙゙゙゙!゙//   
  /\  \  '゙i.______. i,                 \ ポロッ
     \  .| ̄\゙  / ̄|\  \┏━━━┓ ┏━━┓
       \ |  く| ̄|つ |      |   // /━ |  ///
         |_/ ̄\_|     |__//_/   \//」
113 注連飾り(新潟・東北):2010/12/13(月) 15:20:10.75 ID:MStLHUdkO
it is noise that is made by excessive input to digital equipment.
114 聖歌隊(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 15:23:54.12 ID:dk2i8dGu0
115 寒ブリ(熊本県):2010/12/13(月) 16:09:44.67 ID:aQxKalB50
116 暖炉(関西・北陸):2010/12/13(月) 17:18:25.71 ID:iWIZ19VjO
That's like Bonan !
117 聖歌隊(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 17:18:29.49 ID:dk2i8dGu0
118 甘酒:2010/12/13(月) 17:19:51.51 ID:D3M4K3ko0
119 ホットココア(山陽):2010/12/13(月) 17:30:35.84 ID:6bN0j5GoO
Analu kusasu
120 味噌スープ(長屋):2010/12/13(月) 17:39:12.16 ID:GSxBmy/x0
Frequently Asked Questions

Q.今北. What happened?
A. Flatus that the incident occurred in the 7th Yonekura Ryouko TV broadcasting in September 11, 2006.
Q. Koita's really a fart?
A. Verification is therefore in many tea Encyclopedia, fart to be confirmed. Currently under investigation also came as a real possibility.
Q. Is not noise?
A. Scene in question, on the other audible sound firmly Yonekura's face, not the noise that is evident by watching her reaction.
Q. Bunshun article but it says the noise was
A. The incident was discussed in Shukan Bunshun was released on September 20, unless you view the contents of the article, there is a possible acquisition.
Q. In a not to the
A. There's a real possibility.
Q. The truth came out?
A. Out as it may, is under investigation.
Q. Bubobo (`; ω; ') Mowatsu ← Why are you crying?
A.現Shi have a sense of openness and a sense of pathos in his flatus.
Q. Why are you still playing?
A. Official comment, but still no apology. We also have an obligation to future generations we must tell this incident.
Q. You fill the office he'm hostile?
A.爆者 nationwide by fart
Q. You too damn about you guys? I Yonekura's poor
A. All the guff on human physiological phenomena during the live broadcast, the country will not indiscriminately flatus.
A. The story is not.
Q. Shiro Suresuto
A. Good for the mortal sin it is historically impossible. If Suresuto by the firm's acquisition and management 2ch.
Q. Are you ever do?飽Kiro it fast!
A. Official comment, continue until there is an apology. Remember No More Yonekura 9.11
We will not yield to terrorism
121 [―{}@{}@{}-] 半纏(dion軍):2010/12/13(月) 19:39:15.82 ID:ehqGCtR3P
      //                    |
      /         ,ィ介i      |   Leave here
      {. |l     ,イ  ///||     |  
     ,-.、Vl      / | /// | |    」  before I give you Boo.
      lこ!l ! ト   ト.l | !i  | ヽト、<  
      |  l Vヽ  トjヽ\!l   ,>‐_ニヽ    
     |  |   \ ! ri⌒.'li、 .'⌒ヽ :||   
     | | __   ヽ}.′ .゙゜  .゙゙゙″::::レヘ.   
   _r‐j   >イ fヽ  l   ,r'!ヾ・ ヽ, :::::,イ-ハ
  / ′、   i   {ノ-、 ヽ  /,r──ヽ,::::ノ| /´ヽ
 〈 ヽ    l   |  }   \ ヾ!゙゙゙゙゙゙'''ヽ./ |    \
  ヽ          /     | ゙i ._____ l / |
               | ゙ヽ ___ノ’ L
122 蓑(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 19:41:02.23 ID:eAr5+qBV0
That was only noise.
123 冷え性(関東・甲信越):2010/12/13(月) 19:45:52.08 ID:u58z8NCNO
Bubobo More
124 白くま(埼玉県):2010/12/13(月) 20:39:16.20 ID:Bo/MLdrb0
I know,that's a noise generated from digital device!
(´・ω・`)   n
⌒`γ´⌒`ヽ( E)
( .人 .人 γ /
=(こ/こ/ `^´
125 ボジョレー(兵庫県):2010/12/13(月) 21:25:56.39 ID:rPgMIKpv0
no rock
126 湯豆腐(茨城県):2010/12/13(月) 21:44:00.07 ID:csjdz68n0
  ,ィ、 ,、    /    l ヽ                   /
  ,'i ヽ' ヽ  ./  .    l  ヽ   ,/´^v'^、         /
 ,'.l .ト ヽ、V,'    _,,、'-‐''" ̄/  , -、'、 '、        |
 . l  .l \ \r''"´/ィ、ヽ   / ./ __ヽl、 '、       | It is not breaking wind now.
 --、 ヽ `ヽ、ヽ'"/ l ヽ.ヽ、,,/ /./´__ヽ.l ヽ,,l _,、-''´ハ |
   l\ ヽ、  `"´    `-r" / /__ ヽl,/'、ヽ  ノ ,l  | It is a noise.
 ー┴-ヽ ヽ─---  、. . 'v' //ヽヽ l''"7ヽ l/,イl  l
 ::::::::::::::::::l l`"''ー---=-、、.l 'イ .*l::/   ヽ,、-'"/ l__.ィ \、
 :l ̄`ヽ:::::l !  /::r==--、、l:::ヽノ;/___   //l l ヽv'::\__  ._/
 ::l ‐ッ、ヽ、 '、 fl:.:.:::::〈  。 〉:::::: 〈  。 〉--'7r'"_l_l__」/::::/   //
 ,ハ  l ヽ ヽ'、 l.|:.:'"''  '"''":.:.:: ,,.l、`'亠'::::l /__:::::::::::::::::::::/
 /ハ 'vr"^/イ!`i.|.r' ,     ,,r' ・ッ!ヽ" ':,'/, /:::::::::__,/
 / ハ ヽ ,'i l.| l.l'"''  ,r''"、,,r'──r, 、il/l'イ/ ̄ ̄
 ,/ ヽ .ヽ,'.l l.| l |  ,:'  ,.,r''''゙゙゙゙゙゙!ッ  ,/ lハ/
   /,ヘ、,' l l|  l|、,,    ;'l _____.  i゙. '.,ハ l l
  / ///,' l || ||//ヽ、,,ィ‘!、___ ,r'゙. /l l l |ヽ
 / /// ,' l .l | ll// /ヾィr'1l l  l.lヾイl .l l lヽ\
  /// .,' .l .| | l|// / i l l.| l   l l l l .'、.'、'、 ヾ\
 /// ,' .| l | l.|l l l l .| l| i l  l l |.ト '、 '、ト、 ヾ\
 "''ー、l .l! l | l | ! l l.|  l  l  l l |.l'、 '、 '、ヽ  ヾ\
 ::::::::::::l .l .l | | l.|l l l | l .|.  |  l l l |ヽ ヽ ヽヽ  ヽ\._
 :::::::::: l l| .| l .l l| l  .l .l l |  l  l l |、ヽ  ヽ ヽヽr'" ̄`ヽ、-───、'''"
 `ー''"l l | l | l .l l | l l . l .l .l l ; lヽ、ヽ   ヽ ̄::: ̄ヽ  ヽ_,,、-‐'''"l:::::
127 おでん(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 21:46:11.96 ID:8StD7xUL0
128 風邪ぐすり(愛媛県):2010/12/13(月) 23:20:29.82 ID:npl5KXBHP
vous beaux beaux moi
129 干柿(チベット自治区):2010/12/13(月) 23:39:19.60 ID:yO1OvFlK0
It's so rude to the national beauty!
Idols never shit, so they never fart.
Why can't you make out such a simple reason?
130 半纏(東京都)

bubokura ryoko