この記事の書き方では、在日中国人が特権を有しており、それを在特会が問題視しているように読めてしまう(苦笑)。 記事は、在日韓国朝鮮人のことに全く言及していない。民主党のことを中道左派(center-left)とか書いてある。 極左(extreme-left)だろ(笑)。「国内が右傾化したため、鳩山の友愛外交は深刻な打撃を受けた」だとさ。 正しくは「鳩山の友愛外交が日本を危機に陥れたため、国内が右傾化した」のだ。 ------ Japan: The land of the rising nationalism The emergence of China as an economic superpower is bringing out the jingoism in the Japanese www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/japan-the-land-of-the-rising-nationalism-2125690.html By David McNeill Friday, 5 November 2010
Most Tokyo districts will fortunately never experience Makoto Sakurai and his noisy flag-waving mob. But the city's normally quiet Moto-Azabu area is home to the Chinese embassy and there are few countries Sakurai hates more than China. His group's favourite insult ? directed at the embassy via megaphone ? is shina-jin roughly equivalent to "chink". "The Chinese are making fools of us," said Sakurai, a baby-faced 30-something and the unlikely ringleader of what one academic calls: "Japan's fiercest and most dangerous hate group today." Like many nationalists, he is infuriated by what he sees as Chinese expansionism. "If Japan had any guts, it would stand up to them," he said. Two decades ago, Japan was the rising Asian upstart that was barging its way on to the world's front pages. "We are virtually at the mercy of the Japanese," The LA Times famously blared in 1989, after a slew of high-profile takeovers by Japanese companies. Now it's faltering Japan's turn to tremble at the power of foreign capital; Chinese capital. (略) http://hibikan.at.webry.info/201011/article_120.html
That's not a surprising question. Even though Freemasons are members of the largest and oldest fraternity in the world, MASONS or FREEMASONRY, and even though almost everyone has a father or grandfather or uncle who was a Mason, many people aren't quite certain just who Masons are or what freemasonry is about. http://www.gl-mi.org/freemasonry-explained.htm