
1 コノハウオ(アラバマ州)

Skyfire CEO Jeff Glueck, in a post on the company's blog, has announced that Skyfire will shut down its proxy-server based Skyfire 1.0 and 1.5 browsers
outside of North America and Western European markets. The company will also cease all future development on the original proxy browser concept and
instead turn its attention to Skyfire 2.0, which uses a WebKit browser and cloud services, instead of a mediated proxy. Glueck cited the weak mobile ad market
as a reason why it would be shuttering its proxy servers, though the browser will remain available in more than a dozen countries, including the U.S., Korea and Taiwan.
The Skyfire 1.x browsers, which only work with Windows Mobile and Symbian phones, will shut down on July 1. Skyfire 2.0 is now available for Android phones,
and Skyfire says it will soon submit the new browser for iOS App Store approval.
2 ヴァリアタス(dion軍):2010/07/03(土) 23:35:28.21 ID:TSM3u2LW
3 オオクチイシナギ(大阪府):2010/07/03(土) 23:35:37.32 ID:sesQ4pVU
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4中国住み(青海加油!):2010/07/03(土) 23:35:39.20 ID:TFTC8Js6 BE:264890276-PLT(12072)

あ、インストールしてるわ だけど
5 モンガラカワハギ(宮城県):2010/07/03(土) 23:43:16.10 ID:MdXtWArx
6 カワビシャ(東京都):2010/07/03(土) 23:56:17.00 ID:PldrE1/D
7 オグロメジロザメ(catv?):2010/07/03(土) 23:56:18.65 ID:vP+mZJ9H
8チン顧問 ◆RitalinnSs