iPhone OS 4 beta4 を隅々まで調査した結果、次のようなコードが記述されていることが確認された。
FLASHDISABLEDiPad = "The iPad needs to cool down before you can use the flash."; FLASHDISABLEDiPod = "The iPod needs to cool down before you can use the flash.";
本文 It was only a matter of time that developers searched through the latest iPhone OS 4 beta to find secret goodies and this time we see that the next generations of the iPod and iPad both may receive a LED camera flash (which we guess also presupposes they’re receive cameras, right?). The code is as follows:
FLASHDISABLEDiPad = "The iPad needs to cool down before you can use the flash.";
FLASHDISABLEDiPod = "The iPod needs to cool down before you can use the flash.";
Knowing that it is highly likely the next generation of iPad will contain a camera with flash, anyone out there regretting picking up the first generation? Or after the iPod touch incident last year, can we even be sure it’ll make it into the next shipping product? ソース http://www.iphoneappfreelancer.com/blog/3095 依頼52