Olandezul Semmy Schilt l-a invins, sambata, pe Badr Hari in finala K1 de la Yokohama si si-a adjudecat titlul suprem pentru a patra oara.
Badr Hari a inceput ca un taifun meciul cu Semmy Schilt, insa masivul luptator olandez l-a trimis la podea cu o directa de stanga. Marocanul Hari s-a napustit asupra lui Schilt, dar a luat din nou contact cu podeaua, fiind invins in cele din urma prin KO.
Semmy Schilt gave the land and the Badr Hari K1 is the new champion
Dutchman Semmy Schilt defeated, on Saturday, the final K1 Badr Hari in the Yokohama and has awarded the supreme title for the fourth time.
Badr Hari began as a typhoon match with Semmy Schilt, Dutch fighter but massive sent him to the floor with a direct left. Moroccan Hari was rushed upon him Schilt, but he again contact the floor, eventually being defeated by KO.