SECURITY cameras across Britain are picking up alarming new images that are scaring staff stiff. Ghostly figures and inexplicable lights are being caught on film in stately homes, pubs, shops and even a fire station. Twice this year staff at Croxteth Hall in Merseyside have spotted a mysterious glowing figure gliding around the grounds. The yellow form emerges from trees and heads along a path towards the empty Queen Anne wing of the building before vanishing. The hall’s general manager Irene Vickers, 59, said: “The first film was recorded in March and the second was taken at the end of August but both pieces of footage are remarkably similar.” Blue lights were seen outside the The Fire Engine pub in Bristol city centre. A thirsty spook seems to dash into the Fire Engine pub in Bristol before closing time
They momentarily merged to form what looks like the top half of a man before drifting apart and darting across screen.
At busy Euston fire station in central London staff believe they are visited by the ghost of one of the 13 firemen who have died on duty since the building opened 107 years ago. Mobile phone pictures show a white figure in the dormitory and one firefighter said: “They are still here. They are here in visitation. Things have been heard for years.” In Wilmslow, Cheshire, CCTV caught a strange orb shattering a mirror in empty nightclub toilets.