Open on the fund of a suitcase 259 titles of credit Usa for a nominal value of 134 million dollars, equal to over 96 million of European. And' how much you/they have seized to the international railway station of Noise, to the border between Switzerland and Italy, the customs officials and the watch of finance, to two Japanese cinquantennis.
The two, gone down to the railway station by a direct train in Switzerland, during the customs control you/they have said not to have anything to declare. A further verification has allowed then to discover, in a closed compartment, the rich treasure. In all 249 bond of the American Federal Reserve, of the nominal value of 500 million dollars every and ten bonds Kennedy of the nominal value of a million of dollars every, besides conspicuous original banking documentation. The material is waiting for checks to establish the authenticity of the titles and their origin.
If they resulted authentic, in base to the normative monetary, the applicable administrative sanction to the holders could reach the 38 million of European, equal to the 40% of the surplus sum the immunity admitted of European diecimila.
European→EUROの間違いとして、 And howとeveryが分からない。前者はIt's whenの間違いな気もする。 フランス語ならまだしも、イタリア語は分からん。多少似てるから英訳と見比べながら考えてみるか。