オーストラリア人プレイヤーが増えてきたって背景があるのかもしれないが、オーストラリアでも かなりのMLBをテレビ中継するようだ。 このネットワーク・テンはwikiでは http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Network Network Ten is one of Australia's three major commercial television networks ってことで、民間3大放送局の一つという大手の放送局。 野球人気が上がってくるかも。
March 26, 2009 The new 24-hour high-definition sports channel named One,
will be available to more than 62% of Australian 7.2 million TV households who have access to digital television, according to
Ten CEO Grant Blackley. Blackley won't say how much it is costing the channel to mount but says it is part of the network's
$65 million capital expenditure on digitization that will add "incremental" revenue to Ten's yearly AUS$820 million
($565 million) in TV ad revenue. Nevertheless, Ten has some significant exclusive programming for the channel including
the National Football League, the National Basketball Assn., Major League Baseball, the U.S. Open and Masters golf tournaments, and ATP and WTA tennis events.