
1 セントランサス(catv?)

Although it was originally a “very personal” part of her life, Lady GaGa is opening up about her sexuality in the new issue of Rolling Stone ? shedding light on her bisexuality.
The singer also spoke about her boyfriend’s reaction in learning the news that his girlfriend is also interested in women.
“The fact that I’m into women, they’re all intimidated by it,” she explains. “It makes them uncomfortable.
They’re like, ‘I don’t need to have a threesome. I’m happy with just you.’”
But Gaga says that she has never truly been in love with a woman and that the attraction is based off of totally physical aspects. The former Stefani Joanne Germanotta met her one and only four years ago.
“I was his Sandy, and he was my Danny, and I just broke,” the 23-year-old says of her breakup with a heavy-metal drummer named Luke, who inspired nearly all of the songs on her debut album, The Fame.
Meanwhile, the songstress has a new boy toy, but still puts her feelings into her music instead.
“My music’s not going to wake up tomorrow morning and tell me it doesn’t love me anymore,
” she says. “So I’m content with my solitude. I’m okay with being alone. I choose to have someone in my life when I can.”

2 ストック(catv?):2009/05/28(木) 22:32:18.50 ID:ACrZq/Yd
Where does she get her inspiration from? Not from where you may have guessed. Gaga is
“inspired by skyscrapers, architecture” and things that will keep fans interested.
“I don’t feel like I look like the other perfect little pop singers,” she says. “I think I’m changing what people think is sexy.
I feel like I have so much to do… My true legacy will be the test of time, and whether I can sustain a space in pop culture and really make stuff that will have a genuine impact.”
3 ヒメマツムシソウ(千葉県):2009/05/28(木) 22:33:39.84 ID:XGbOKXUz
4 セントランサス(神奈川県):2009/05/28(木) 22:33:43.82 ID:gMxsK6OO
滓付きマラ 臭褌から出して こびり付いたチーズ喉尺で盛りたい
雄臭え 短髪同士 派手に 臭っせえ 臭っせえ!連呼で野獣の変態に成りきり
狂いよがりてえ!糞拭き残し ちん滓付いた汚ねえ褌野郎 俺と盛ろうぜ !
ガチかデブの汚れ褌野郎 レス待つ 173#90#38 長野から
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8 ラッセルルピナス(千葉県):2009/05/28(木) 22:36:22.76 ID:KE12ADGa
9 セントランサス(アラバマ州):2009/05/28(木) 22:36:41.33 ID:V6zs1LOt
All we hear is
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