The director is Don Goodrum, a well-known figure at Pensacola Little Theatre. He says this play is not as bawdy or controversial as “Sordid Lives,” which was a big hit at PLT in both 2006 and 2007. “Daddy’s Dyin’” delves into that all-too-familiar battlefield of family,” says Goodrum. “Not just a Southern family, though all the Southern cliches and stereotypes are on display here, but the American family. The show, he says, “is full of laughter and tears as well as lessons learned and lessons lost. You won’t just recognize your own family here, you’ll come face to face with yourself.”
Goodrum has assembled a solid cast to portray a Texas family in turmoil. The matriarch of the clan, Mama Wheelis is played by Kathy Holsworth, with Daddy Buford Turnover portrayed by Jeff Glickman. Playing the rest of the family and assorted other characters are Mercedes Cobbett, Jennifer King, Lori Landrum, Randi Owens, Ben Petsel and Brad Solomon. “Daddy’s Dyin’ (Who’s Got the Will?)” will play for one weekend, May 13-17. Thursday through Saturday performances begin at 8 p.m. A Sunday matinee begins at 2:30.