At Opera we are always working on new ways to make your browsing faster. Eight years ago we introduced Mouse Gestures as a way to speed up your interaction with the browser and focus on what’s important: the content you’re looking at. We didn’t stop there, in 2005 we introduced Voice Navigation on the desktop and more recently we have worked with Nintendo to create a browser that takes full advantage of the “Wiimote” and later, the touchscreen in the DSi.
Looking ahead, we recognize the future importance of touch interfaces, but we believe that there is another input device that is already present in most new computers and it’s ready to enable a whole new way of user-interaction: the webcam.
Today we introduce Face Gestures, a revolutionary technology designed to make interacting with your browser easier and simpler on computers with cameras. Face Gestures lets you perform frequent browsing operations with natural and easy to make face gestures. By using an internal technology dubbed Face Observation Opera Language, we are able to recognize pre-determined facial expressions and match them to commands on the Opera browser.
You can try Face Gestures today by downloading the latest Opera 10 alpha snapshot or check out the video below to learn more.
今日、我々はFace Gestures(カメラであなたのブラウザーと相互に作用することをコンピュータでより簡単で より単純にするようになっている革命的なテクノロジー)を導入します。 顔Gesturesは、あなたに天才と、そして、容易に顔ジェスチャーをするために頻繁なブラウジング活動を行わせます。 Face Observation Opera Languageと呼ばれる内部のテクノロジーを用いて、我々は予め定められた表情を認めて、 オペラブラウザーで彼らを命令と合わせることができます。