
1 すずめちゃん(宮城県)

Giniel de Villiers became the first African to ever win the Dakar Rally when he cleaned up in yesterday’s 227 kilometre special stage from Cordoba to Buenos Aires.
Crossing the line in a fitting first place, the South African driver also gave VW their first Dakar Rally constructor’s win.
In the end, after having dominated for the last seven years, Mitsubishi just couldn’t rival the power and reliablity of the diesel powered racing Touaregs.
Mark Miller finished the event second overall in the sister VW, while Robby Gordon secured a well-earned third in his monstourous Hummer.
KTM’s Marc Coma cleaned up in the bike category;
the Spaniard cliching his second Dakar Rally title. With almost an hour and a half lead over second place man,
Cyril Despres, Coma cruised through the final special stage and roared across the finish line in an easy sixth.
The stage victory went to Portugual’s Helder Rodrigues, with Pal Anders Ullevalseter right behind him in third.
And while David Fretigne may have ended this relatively simple stage a lowly fourteenth, the Frenchman managed to grab third in the overall bike standings ? an impressive feat considering his Yamaha was only a 450cc.

Filled with thrills, spills, truimph and tradegy, the 2009 South American Dakar Rally has been a most enjoyable motoring extravaganza. Let’s hope we can get a few more in before it’s moved back to Africa…

Car Results ? Overall Standings:
1. De Villiers/Von Zitzewitz VW 48:10:57
2. Miller/Pitchford VW 48:19:56
3. Gordon/Grider Hummer 49:57:12
4. Tollefsen/Evans Nissan 54:15:31
5. Holowczyc/Fortin Nissan 54:48:46

2 すずめちゃん(静岡県):2009/01/19(月) 01:58:46.09 ID:5h61dTTu
3 すずめちゃん(愛媛県):2009/01/19(月) 01:59:12.38 ID:3f14mWEg
4 すずめちゃん(長屋):2009/01/19(月) 01:59:41.90 ID:De1dP5Jh
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5 わかめちゃん(福井県):2009/01/19(月) 02:27:18.70 ID:1t9JqHZZ
6 すずめちゃん(不明なsoftbank):2009/01/19(月) 02:28:18.17 ID:friOiG4E
7 すずめちゃん(北海道):2009/01/19(月) 02:28:32.22 ID:hHxkRow0
8 すずめちゃん(富山県):2009/01/19(月) 02:46:34.14 ID:/5e/K6aM
9 すずめちゃん(コネチカット州):2009/01/19(月) 02:52:43.62 ID:pCNgDKi0
10 すずめちゃん(西日本)