
1 きゅうり(福島県)

原爆の惨状を英語劇で披露 '08/10/30




2 とうもろこし(熊本県):2008/10/31(金) 22:22:15.64 ID:/1mPIZGP
3 カツオ(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 22:22:52.88 ID:HBwqDu4e
4 ウニ(catv?):2008/10/31(金) 22:23:00.13 ID:P4H22RUf
what a hell
5 カワハギ(新潟県):2008/10/31(金) 22:23:44.42 ID:XUdJd9DC
6 たけのこ(長屋):2008/10/31(金) 22:24:15.36 ID:qqdF+/Y1
7 アカガイ(catv?):2008/10/31(金) 22:24:42.30 ID:j/0+KV/L
fuwa fuwa ichiga tachi ga yatte kuru
8 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/10/31(金) 22:24:50.70 ID:5DqdEDZw
9 エシャロット(沖縄県):2008/10/31(金) 22:25:03.75 ID:n/Lv/Ywy
What do you all think >>1?
10 カマス(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 22:25:05.77 ID:fn6CKRv+
11 ブリ(兵庫県):2008/10/31(金) 22:25:20.23 ID:4/xTjtfY
Fack you
12 カツオ(愛知県):2008/10/31(金) 22:26:06.36 ID:eMFYEdDn
fuck fuck chin chin!
13 タチウオ(-長野):2008/10/31(金) 22:26:43.07 ID:Yi5b3MJF
I never met such an idiot before!
14 れんこん(栃木県):2008/10/31(金) 22:27:06.98 ID:VOJ3XXPT
 __     __  ___ _____  _____                     _
 |   |    /  /  |  //       | /__  __/ [][] / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄フ   / /
 |   |.   /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄|. l    / /      ̄フ / ̄ ̄/ / ̄ ̄   ,__/ /
 |   |  /  /  /  / /   /.  / /    |  |___    / _ニ^ヽ_./ /  /\ ヽ  |/ ̄ ̄\
 |   |  /  /  /  / /    ̄ ̄ /     \__|   //  / / / / /  /  /  / ̄ ̄\\
 |   |. /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄ ̄            //\ / / / /- ’-ー ^    / /      | |
 |   |/  /  /  /. /   /               //  // / /       / /          | |
 |.     /  /  /  /   /                ̄  //  / /____人  フ /    /二ヽ /
 |    /. /   | ./   /                 //    ヽ ____ゝ ヽ_/     \ニニΛ\
  ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄.  ̄ ̄                       ̄                           ̄
15 そらまめ(関西・北陸):2008/10/31(金) 22:27:09.86 ID:s6ziovDP
jimi da ne honto ni
16 コールラビ(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 22:27:24.61 ID:18Glbx9H
first thread is stopped?
17 れんこん(群馬県):2008/10/31(金) 22:27:41.58 ID:Y9Zn0WUq
oh man go
18 コールラビ(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 22:29:20.39 ID:18Glbx9H
Two another threads
19 みつば(コネチカット州):2008/10/31(金) 22:36:39.89 ID:PVjdGLys
Go to VIP(`・ω・´)!!
20 レモン(神奈川県):2008/10/31(金) 22:38:31.35 ID:21o43RD1
ji ju ee che?
21 もやし(長屋):2008/10/31(金) 22:43:42.13 ID:THwVn2LQ
22 えだまめ(静岡県):2008/10/31(金) 22:44:23.91 ID:E05S5Kp+
23 マダイ(京都府):2008/10/31(金) 22:50:53.39 ID:E4axTIBy
son of a ビッチ
24 みつば(コネチカット州):2008/10/31(金) 22:52:27.31 ID:Y5RH/lV4
25 レタス(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 22:53:29.19 ID:/IYtS1IM
Die job nano deth show car ...
26 わさび(福井県):2008/10/31(金) 22:54:01.05 ID:mBoTC+yi
VIP de shine.
27 アスパラガス(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 22:56:10.43 ID:BptdXM4C
oh my error mean a see net.
28 きんかん(チリ):2008/10/31(金) 22:56:38.88 ID:R26eKNA8
vip ha moreno kokyou
29 アサリ(東日本):2008/10/31(金) 22:59:32.80 ID:K+nF7VuA
what do you do, gay?
30 つまみ菜(愛知県):2008/10/31(金) 23:06:35.67 ID:y+MRtbZo
Die in the VIP
31 いちご(西日本):2008/10/31(金) 23:07:15.18 ID:S9/P7VK+
32 みつば(コネチカット州):2008/10/31(金) 23:08:02.98 ID:astNr50e
Here is the VIP
33 わさび(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:08:10.38 ID:VjHEsdX/
34 まつたけ(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:13:16.72 ID:rUlSqP4Q
welcome to underground
35 モロヘイヤ(大阪府):2008/10/31(金) 23:15:49.60 ID:3zUWuEQu
36 チコリ(長屋):2008/10/31(金) 23:17:15.82 ID:kCxVTmy4
Let's Go Vip!
37 えだまめ(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 23:18:32.40 ID:AxW0ik+w BE:729549656-2BP(3002)

next stage
38 エンダイブ(大阪府):2008/10/31(金) 23:28:15.24 ID:v48j/Ru4
39 しょうが(関東・甲信越):2008/10/31(金) 23:30:06.37 ID:ViY3O2kP
ore teinou dakara eigo wakannai
40 りんご(千葉県):2008/10/31(金) 23:30:16.13 ID:sgkokXQK
miss spell
41 おかひじき(catv?):2008/10/31(金) 23:31:06.41 ID:1aPhCH/u
42 サンマ(九州):2008/10/31(金) 23:31:36.41 ID:4pJgli0l
43 つる菜(熊本県):2008/10/31(金) 23:32:02.02 ID:B+Cr8Jel
where is your god?
44 ズッキーニ(関東・甲信越):2008/10/31(金) 23:32:29.85 ID:fn6CKRv+
i'd like to fuck u.
45 みつば(静岡県):2008/10/31(金) 23:33:10.63 ID:crkzM3/l
46 イサキ(catv?):2008/10/31(金) 23:33:36.95 ID:S6yjB2mH
this is the next thread
47 アカガイ(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:35:25.18 ID:qIaXaEfR
What will happen if you splash hot water when you insert into girl-Ranma?
48 なっとう(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 23:36:33.80 ID:pXWUzmaK
my sister said my sperm smells like teen spirit
49 アマダイ(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:36:34.88 ID:601losUO
50 イサキ(catv?):2008/10/31(金) 23:37:50.70 ID:S6yjB2mH
pussy will be anus
51 たけのこ(北海道):2008/10/31(金) 23:38:07.46 ID:9AWH9V0c
Misuzu and Fuuko and Natsumi are my wife.
...Actually I'm in trouble now because they talk about what is real wife of me.
52 トビウオ(愛知県):2008/10/31(金) 23:39:50.22 ID:xqYkdU9E
53p4203-ipbf401funabasi.chiba.ocn.ne.jp 株主【news:17/7986=0(%)】 ピーマン(千葉県):2008/10/31(金) 23:39:49.59 ID:/hrUwcLD BE:1529683968-PLT(17788) 株優プチ(news)

Sorri, I cant speek Engrish wel.
Nihongo de ok.
54 きんかん(北海道):2008/10/31(金) 23:40:42.29 ID:j+U+UwEK
fack you
55 れんこん(愛知県):2008/10/31(金) 23:40:43.05 ID:WNoNYaO/
Please expect "the Maguro".
56 トマト(長崎県):2008/10/31(金) 23:41:45.76 ID:mtX1RuYu
57 そらまめ(関西・北陸):2008/10/31(金) 23:43:01.44 ID:s6ziovDP
58 やまのいも(北海道):2008/10/31(金) 23:47:02.72 ID:Pn6J5v4k
59 りんご(千葉県):2008/10/31(金) 23:47:36.87 ID:sgkokXQK
syo bel ttil yn am del lik reh to mym
re hyb de red rum saw ios lad na
 el a ty ria (fairytale cotton)
os di as daeh dae dym
 di a my rre (merry maid cotton)
os di as sllab ey eym
60 アカガイ(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:48:27.81 ID:qIaXaEfR
Your point of view is quite fantastic. I've never hit upon such an idea.
Anyway thanks.
61 カレイ(東京都):2008/10/31(金) 23:48:58.73 ID:Q1XBEXdp
This is a pen.
62 しゅんぎく(コネチカット州):2008/10/31(金) 23:50:21.76 ID:u+7ogfPY
Hm...I dare to keep my tongue silent to observe whether you could write english well.
but you write only cheep poor english, was based low-level-knowledges,
and so basically you must have discipline more and more, it's my order.
by the way, however, are not you ashamed? :-)
63 こまつな(千葉県):2008/10/31(金) 23:51:53.90 ID:pPhWfi9O
You is a big fool man. hahaha.
64 マンゴー(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:52:45.62 ID:ChDyc29j
65 ライム(関西地方):2008/10/31(金) 23:52:58.13 ID:gUWvAssh
I am penis
yes I do
66 にんじん(長屋):2008/10/31(金) 23:53:11.87 ID:hAZh/mqw
           _ , ‐ ' ゙ ゙̄ヽ,
          , '゙          )           \ヽ   ,.
        ,ノ!,'         ◎/\      / \   _,.イ    /  ,.  ,.
  ,,.. --─- ノ゙!,/         ,' \.\    ./   .\ ─┼─ ./| _,.イ,,.ィ'
   ゙̄'i;  ノ゙!,!゙         ゙i, ノ \  \.\  /      \ .ノ   .....| ....|  |.イン....
     ゙'゙ ,!V         ,゙゙ :,  .\\\.\
        !!.,i         ノ゙,  .'.,   \
       ! !_!_     ,'゙  i.,_ ゙, \        `゙''‐、_\ | / /
        ! .!_!    ,゙   ゜ ゙!i,'      ─────‐‐‐ゝ。←>>>>
 .       i..i'i   ,゙        \     ,'´ ̄`ヘ、   // | \
       ゙.. ',   !             __{_从 ノ}ノ/ / ./  |  \
        '!,',   !        __/}ノ  `ノく゚((/  ./   |
         ' ,   ',,       `つ/ ,.イ  ̄ ̄// ))  /   ∵|:・.
           \  ' .,      / /ミノ__  /´('´   /   .∴・|∵’
              \,. ゙' , __∠_/ ,∠∠_/゙〈ミ、、
               ゙ ' ;"  @巛 く{ヾミヲ' ゙Y} ゙   I will put you in orbit around the earth.
                 ^^^     \ !  }'
                         ,'  /
67 アマダイ(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:53:58.84 ID:601losUO
68 ねぎ(京都府):2008/10/31(金) 23:53:58.88 ID:EBBO77zs
I was pussy.
69 タラ(埼玉県):2008/10/31(金) 23:55:24.17 ID:/t3xAlIY
70 みつば(コネチカット州):2008/10/31(金) 23:56:52.95 ID:hHVzB+Ja
pelinu H closstelman chan kawaii yone
71 オレンジ(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:57:37.17 ID:q0NiQ6vT
It is whispered that Gaia must shine to me more.
72 アマダイ(アラバマ州):2008/10/31(金) 23:57:46.38 ID:601losUO
ア フィ
73 なっとう(コネチカット州):2008/10/31(金) 23:59:27.96 ID:U7v2xRXQ
あかなやわまたなひら、わや 、
74 ウニ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 00:01:24.24 ID:lf/MMUpI
My son is 3cm in winter.
75 あんず(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 00:02:45.16 ID:M/z6g1Nj
76 カツオ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 00:03:45.74 ID:S6yjB2mH
Do you know?peacock is a symbol of Lucifer.
77 なっとう(宮崎県):2008/11/01(土) 00:04:31.26 ID:nVJL7hMy
no  spell
78 かぼちゃ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 00:05:52.90 ID:iEtaatBw
honky tonky crazy i love you
toriaezu once more kiss me
79 アンコウ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 00:08:25.42 ID:/+wzkGMi
80 セロリ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 00:09:26.10 ID:DEjH97q8
I found an oasis!
81 ウニ(新潟・東北):2008/11/01(土) 00:11:11.51 ID:D4CJmvpL
82 ヒラマサ(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 00:12:00.78 ID:ZUR1i6Uw
shall you die?
83 クレソン(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 00:13:55.23 ID:w45DS0G7
Today is good day to die
84 レタス(九州):2008/11/01(土) 00:13:56.69 ID:UB/qJh5j
なすわかたゆさ ←宇宙語
85 ノリ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 00:14:37.21 ID:vG6W92lo
Welcome to this crazy time
86 アピオス(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 00:15:40.66 ID:s+Hb7Ga/
87 ガザミ(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 00:16:04.93 ID:m6hhUM+B
What called is this EROTIC GAME ?
88 アサリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 00:16:07.36 ID:yknCRDFB
89 カキ(茨城県):2008/11/01(土) 00:16:19.41 ID:xLD7X3e0
fack you
90 カツオ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 00:16:36.23 ID:CIEDmsOv
there is not a good day to die until you die.
91 クレソン(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 00:16:53.38 ID:w45DS0G7
92 たんぽぽ(関西):2008/11/01(土) 00:18:52.89 ID:2GQlB1qn
fack me
93 サンマ(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 00:19:51.15 ID:I/eOBjPC
94 アカガイ(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 00:20:02.79 ID:d1ufJJ3M
kero kero keroppi
95 かぼちゃ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 00:20:03.91 ID:69mZBrVK
"What your neme?"
"Oh! Fuck me!"
96 ホタテガイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 00:20:37.44 ID:JOOgn55K
I want make love
97 ゆず(秋田県):2008/11/01(土) 00:21:29.28 ID:BDgNyxjP
98 オリーブ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 00:22:37.23 ID:7hnj2l4M
99 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 00:25:33.34 ID:4wRuNGG9
I came from VIP
100 ヒジキ(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 00:26:25.09 ID:fvnhyqjQ
2ch is awesome

101 アジ(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 00:27:59.98 ID:gm3rmCB0

102 とうもろこし(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 00:29:00.38 ID:9kRoh3Lk
103 ホタテガイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 00:34:48.17 ID:JOOgn55K
What kind fool am I?
104 エンダイブ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 00:36:04.27 ID:YIsuKTwF
   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ´∀`)< YOU TOO
  (    )  \_____
  | | |
105 ニシン(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 00:36:26.62 ID:WwSvaS0v
The head of Japan's air force is to be sacked after saying the country was not an aggressor
in World War II, officials say.
106 ブロッコリー(関西・北陸):2008/11/01(土) 00:38:50.33 ID:7QGyQobx
I wanna suck your dick
107 ヒジキ(東海):2008/11/01(土) 00:42:44.64 ID:ah0I5w89
108 クレソン(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 00:42:57.60 ID:w45DS0G7
WareZ isn't soft.
WareZ is name of bad copy soft.
Do you understand?
You never come here.
109 エンダイブ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 00:51:48.51 ID:5uv6J9ie
Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herrn!
Ich komme aus Deutschland.
Mein Auto ist BMW.
110 メロン(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 00:52:58.59 ID:EJQ7+f2Y
111 きゅうり(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 00:56:16.06 ID:ZFf/DcDi
You sine.
112 トリュフ(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 00:56:49.28 ID:uc15an1Q
113 山椒(三重県):2008/11/01(土) 00:58:45.69 ID:v7tuHD9e
All I need is nyusoku!!!

Thank you very much
114 グリーンピース(徳島県):2008/11/01(土) 00:58:56.37 ID:srLcZFFv BE:50306898-2BP(1130)

115 みつば(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 01:00:13.62 ID:pZZw/tZR
116 ふき(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 01:00:20.73 ID:gUBGp8Ag
vippu de sine.
117 ふき(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 01:01:12.65 ID:gUBGp8Ag
BBC Breaking News otsu.
118 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 01:01:30.91 ID:n1RdeUk+
Do you know the muffin man♪

The muffin man♪

The muffin man♪
119 バナナ(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 01:01:57.96 ID:6pm8QWXC
Run Nature
120 たんぽぽ(山口県):2008/11/01(土) 01:08:30.27 ID:z8ApDmjG
121 ブリ(東日本):2008/11/01(土) 01:15:50.82 ID:Y5E+OJ9O
comma-shaped bead
(ancient) clay image
an old tomb square ahead and rounded behind
122 サワラ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 01:16:05.50 ID:PrDuhBMC
123 カキ(静岡県):2008/11/01(土) 01:16:19.76 ID:/ooYxBI0
124 ゆず(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 01:17:47.90 ID:ApFYBoR4
VIP de Die
125 アカガイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 01:19:17.60 ID:jmZZgYXd
no spell
126 しょうが(山口県):2008/11/01(土) 01:20:50.83 ID:J90JE8No
127 かいわれ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 01:22:00.07 ID:fixMzuEf
128 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 01:23:12.23 ID:5v2sxnuR
129 トマト(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 01:24:06.80 ID:wB/2FdBz
die in VIP
130 ヒラメ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:24:19.04 ID:zS6L2YJz
131 キンメダイ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 01:29:43.34 ID:y9qPWoL1
Iam a ababababa
132 ごぼう(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 01:30:03.61 ID:mbf/SS40


133 レタス(USA):2008/11/01(土) 01:31:15.22 ID:B6jVQN8n
oh, what a needy thread...
134 ピーマン(福井県):2008/11/01(土) 01:31:39.15 ID:Ve5nP1+w
Lick hips.
135 エンダイブ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:32:12.79 ID:5uv6J9ie
Telling a lie is the beginning of a thief.
136 山椒(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:32:47.74 ID:51QEnJTe
137 ヒラメ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:32:54.51 ID:zS6L2YJz

hey joe
saikinnno sohutoha2chgomotaiousiterunokai?

138 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 01:34:39.11 ID:82SsyVb3
139 かぼちゃ(栃木県):2008/11/01(土) 01:35:08.69 ID:bZA21T4D
Is this a vip?
140 サンマ(静岡県):2008/11/01(土) 01:35:37.31 ID:QiIzd5ck
141 トマト(長野県):2008/11/01(土) 01:35:40.20 ID:OKxNgOIq
omg this thread is vip
142 ゆず(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 01:36:00.70 ID:+VqhVq6n
I got so blue
143 にんじん(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:37:38.51 ID:Xy3f+rG4
we dont need the second thread
>>1 fuck
144 つるむらさき(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 01:38:25.21 ID:vDbZz08y
dejimade ya re
145 キンメダイ(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 01:38:46.00 ID:IOL8z8Q7
146 あしたば(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 01:38:52.55 ID:jwcdxjWW
show your tits, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
147 ズッキーニ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 01:39:27.98 ID:Y1VtXmvq
Go to vip. Shine
148 桃(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:39:56.61 ID:bEGeygx7
I was Gay
149 ガザミ(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 01:40:32.23 ID:OD7jayK7
how low can you go?
150 エンダイブ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:40:43.56 ID:5uv6J9ie
Da una lacrima sul viso ho capito molte cose.
151 みつば(鳥取県):2008/11/01(土) 01:41:14.45 ID:A6gg7KSl
Unco is bitter and delicious.
152 キンメダイ(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 01:41:43.50 ID:IOL8z8Q7
153 ヒラメ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:42:02.80 ID:zS6L2YJz
fack you korean
154 ゆず(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 01:42:21.93 ID:+VqhVq6n
Oh! long time to see, ガブ君
155 ばれいしょ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 01:42:30.34 ID:tB/1RzDB
fukin ppl…so fool monkeys
156 大葉(静岡県):2008/11/01(土) 01:42:36.57 ID:zD7MamKJ
157 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 01:43:28.57 ID:CCXGNw9N
Becouse of this sled Ireached to organism.
Mr>>1 hah hah...
158 サワラ(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 01:44:44.38 ID:dlcbBjCU
oh miss spell
159 あしたば(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 01:45:29.99 ID:jwcdxjWW
160 アボガド(徳島県):2008/11/01(土) 01:45:41.45 ID:ETEg3fBI
161 エンダイブ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:46:11.69 ID:5uv6J9ie
the idosm@ster
162 とうもろこし(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 01:47:01.21 ID:x5aLgS0p
Take it easy!!!
Take it easy!!!
Take it easy!!!
163 あしたば(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 01:47:14.19 ID:jwcdxjWW
164 ノリ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 01:48:19.43 ID:h97BqCiT
165 ヒラメ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:49:29.16 ID:zS6L2YJz
suck my fuckin chinpo
166 オレンジ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 01:49:59.23 ID:CCXGNw9N
You is KY man.HA!HA!HA!
167 きゅうり(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 01:52:40.94 ID:lo8BirfJ
Can't you speak English?
168 タラ(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 01:53:13.26 ID:DHx2HHLs
169 ヒラメ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:54:49.92 ID:zS6L2YJz
he is korean
korean can just speak "I am Zapanese"
170 セロリ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:55:20.86 ID:u4/rfogf
holy shit!
171 梅(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:56:08.49 ID:VBl+2qoe
Don't be so angry!
Nobody in this thread are able to speak engish.
172 エンダイブ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 01:58:27.99 ID:5uv6J9ie
What do you mean by “engish”?
I saw that word for the first time.

173 キャベツ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 01:58:38.11 ID:DCM97rgX
mather facker!
sun of the bichi!
174 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:03:19.50 ID:CCXGNw9N
Surely,Tom is mother fucker.
But birds was eaten as a tinpoko.
So my tinpo flys away now.
175 たんぽぽ(関西):2008/11/01(土) 02:04:46.20 ID:2GQlB1qn
176 梅(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:07:15.30 ID:VBl+2qoe
It's not clear if I should put L or R.
So I omitted it.
177 ばれいしょ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:07:43.73 ID:baWEKAL2
i aw very ><
cuz prety woman lives in room next to my room does gisian an hour ago & her fuck'in gisian mate's an-an is very loud
178 そらまめ(関西・北陸):2008/11/01(土) 02:08:03.41 ID:fRgdi7Ob
179 セリ(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 02:12:54.75 ID:emGx9pRA
please teach me English.
i fail to enter a university three times.
180 タラ(関西・北陸):2008/11/01(土) 02:12:58.73 ID:SQ0Bb8Tx
death with a pain
181 アーティチョーク(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:13:20.89 ID:krrPRdSF
          / ̄\
        |     |
       /  ̄  ̄ \
     /  \ /  \        Welcome.
    /   ⌒   ⌒   \      You are so lucky.
    |    (__人__)     |      I'll give you the right
to buy Opuna.
    \    ` ⌒´    /   ☆  

    /ヽ、--ー、__,-‐´ \─/
   / >   ヽ▼●▼<\  ||ー、.
  / ヽ、   \ i |。| |/  ヽ (ニ、`ヽ.
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 l     |    |ー─ |  ̄ l   `~ヽ_ノ____
    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ-'ヽ--'  / オプーナ  /|
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/ ̄オプーナ/|  ̄|__」/_オプーナ  /| ̄|__,」___    /|
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| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|/l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|/| /
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182 カツオ(西日本):2008/11/01(土) 02:15:55.30 ID:KWEmONeM
Welcome to the jungle We got fun 'n' games
183 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:16:32.40 ID:TSV1VoDi
ero jpg Plz
184 キャベツ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 02:17:24.10 ID:DCM97rgX
Shall we drink Nightrain?
185 ばれいしょ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:17:35.03 ID:baWEKAL2
correct word is failed
lose team otsu
186 ヒラマサ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:19:32.00 ID:fMDo+x4J
May I join this conversation?
187 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:20:41.89 ID:CCXGNw9N
I will go to bed that my pretty wife and son is sleeping.
hear roud from Mr.otonari now.
do smell of affairs.
188 キャベツ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 02:21:45.11 ID:DCM97rgX
Now your timpo is slieeping on my bed.
Thank you.
189 グリーンピース(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:23:48.57 ID:AKsJQyq5

shall we dance?
190 アーティチョーク(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:24:03.04 ID:krrPRdSF
Abe fucked her asshole.
191 ふき(東海):2008/11/01(土) 02:24:04.85 ID:Q7BJ34MA
I can only speak English well ,so I am God in this thread .
Do you want something to say to me?
If you have your opinion ,speak to me in English !
192 アピオス(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 02:24:48.94 ID:broMqcOK
193 しょうが(九州):2008/11/01(土) 02:26:09.74 ID:z5hMerfE
194 えだまめ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 02:27:19.64 ID:wTTThGl8
195 さといも(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:28:04.62 ID:/tDgauWW
oh! moonlight sonata!
196 あんず(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:28:06.58 ID:y5N5WaE5
197 柿(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 02:28:09.87 ID:DEsw+uID
i was gay
198 ねぎ(長崎県):2008/11/01(土) 02:28:21.76 ID:JMDpN0T+
Nothing is as pleasant as talking a walk in the fresh air early in the morning,listening to birds sing.

No matter how sad I may feel, I get the feeling that something good is going to happen to me during the day.
199 カレイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 02:28:41.25 ID:UZbmjzUu
My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married.
My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? She was a dream!

There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed, and that one thing was her younger sister.
My prospective sister-in-law was twenty years of age, wore tight mini skirts and low cut blouses.
She would regularly bend down when near me and I got many a pleasant view of her underwear.
It had to be deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else.

One day little sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations.
She was alone when I arrived. She whispered to me that soon I was to be married,
and she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome and didn't really want to overcome.
She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister.
I was in total shock and couldn't say a word.She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom,
and if you want to go ahead with it just come up and get me." I was stunned. I was frozen in shock
as I watched her go up the stairs.When she reached the top she pulled down her panties and threw them
down the stairs at me.I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the front door.
I opened the door and stepped out of the house.

I walked straight towards my car.My future father-in-law was standing outside. With tears in his eyes he hugged me
and said,"We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter.
Welcome to the family.

The moral of this story is:
"Always keep your condoms in your car."
200 ヒラマサ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:28:47.20 ID:fMDo+x4J
If the subject of me suddenly comes up,
I'll jump right in.
201 キャベツ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 02:29:21.18 ID:DCM97rgX
damn it damn it !
202 なっとう(新潟県):2008/11/01(土) 02:30:25.03 ID:R09eKn7j
YUKUDOME=Yack do me
203 唐辛子(岡山県):2008/11/01(土) 02:30:31.92 ID:wys5OFny
204 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:30:34.01 ID:CCXGNw9N
Where is >>188' house.
I must regain my penis.
205 バナナ(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 02:30:38.08 ID:6Nk0BtQy
206 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:30:45.10 ID:5QtAcz8a
207 サケ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:30:48.04 ID:iLawrkDn
I was be back.
208 にら(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:31:51.96 ID:HdZd4yo9
Ieri sera abbiamo mangiato gli spaghetti alle vongole.
Sono stato buonissimi!
Dopo cena siamo andati al letto subito, perche abbiamo sonno.
209 バナナ(岐阜県):2008/11/01(土) 02:31:56.71 ID:6zWwnXZ1
210 やまのいも(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:31:56.61 ID:Foqii3/L
211 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:34:07.41 ID:5QtAcz8a
Northern Dancer!
Gone West!
212 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:34:33.25 ID:bQTBZMeS
Hey jap!
213 カキ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:36:11.39 ID:+a7d7SnD
Hail to reason
214 えだまめ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 02:36:13.58 ID:Wd/T2Jb3
Fuck you
215 かぼす(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 02:38:59.73 ID:7E2bqPgq
We are X.
216 カキ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:39:20.31 ID:+a7d7SnD
Jude Robber
Seeking the Pearl
Gold Digger
217 サケ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:39:45.65 ID:iLawrkDn
Can you speak English?ってどんな場面で使うんだよ
218 ねぎ(長崎県):2008/11/01(土) 02:40:06.36 ID:JMDpN0T+
Last night. I got to this mountain hut.
I woke up early this morning. I took a walk about an hour before breakfast.
Everything I see now is beautiful, and I feel as if I have entered another world.
219 こまつな(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:41:46.44 ID:3MGD6NVz
You, Fucking Idiot!
220 ヒラマサ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:42:02.80 ID:fMDo+x4J
It's two o'clock in the morning, and I'm wide awake...

Where am I going? What am I doing?
What is the meaning of life?
221 柿(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 02:42:32.38 ID:DEsw+uID
My Name Is John Doe
222 さやえんどう(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:42:32.68 ID:oQO2lkZ3
fack you
223 メバル(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 02:43:34.22 ID:rUbgolmS
224 かぼす(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 02:44:25.00 ID:bqvGEQ70

Are you seriously saying that?

If you have "evil eye", show me soon.

If you are not kidding,

I'll explode the power inside my body.

    chikara      nanatsuno kokoro
The "Dark Power" of "Seventh Mind"...
225 キャベツ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 02:44:45.04 ID:DCM97rgX
Please suck me!
226 にら(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:45:23.91 ID:HdZd4yo9
Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey.
227 コンブ(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 02:46:07.07 ID:+2/8bP6X
Hello everyone.
228 ねぎ(長崎県):2008/11/01(土) 02:46:36.24 ID:JMDpN0T+
It is a pity that many people still mistakenly believe that as long as they speak English,they can be international-minded.
229 サケ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:47:59.01 ID:iLawrkDn
my life is end.\(^o^)/
230 コウイカ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:48:00.28 ID:eX4kUXgZ
great gappoi game
231 さやいんげん(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:48:19.69 ID:w1x1/dwk
In Japanese ok
232 たまねぎ(山梨県):2008/11/01(土) 02:48:29.40 ID:EcGpNV/5
die of vip
233 つまみ菜(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 02:48:40.28 ID:cKhms1vT
This is a terrible internet...
234 カツオ(茨城県):2008/11/01(土) 02:48:46.02 ID:yTCcU07J
Cock order Kate then in eight go
235 こまつな(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:50:51.34 ID:3MGD6NVz
Chinese and Koreans (including Korean residents who uses Japanese aliases) commit violent crimes in the Japan.

In order to gain control of our immigration program, we need to see it as a system NOW!

We also need to understand that the interior enforcement program is critical to gaining control of our nation’s ports.

Nearly half of the illegal aliens did not illegally enter the country,
but rather by being admitted through a port of entry and then subsequently violating the terms of their admission.

They stay longer than the period of time for which they were admitted, they seek unauthorized employment or they commit felonies.

Special agents are desperately needed to not only seek to arrest illegal aliens,
but to conduct field investigations to uncover immigration fraud to restore integrity to the benefits program
which has been historically plagued with high fraud rates by Chinese and Korean visitors.
236 スイートコーン(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 02:51:12.94 ID:UPqpkA+F
When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well let us realize oh! that a change can only come
When we stand together as one
237 ヒラマサ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:51:45.51 ID:fMDo+x4J
But I do'nt mind because it will be a holiday tomorrow.
238 にら(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:52:41.24 ID:HdZd4yo9
239 こまつな(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:53:01.03 ID:3MGD6NVz
Chinese and Korean has obviously decided that some people will believe anything, no matter how fictional or how far-fetched,
if they just repeat it often enough.

That's how Chinese and Koreans run their government, that's how they're running their campaign against Japan.
240 ヒラマサ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:53:49.80 ID:fMDo+x4J
I'm sorry.
241 とうもろこし(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:53:51.95 ID:6FN9QJi1
boob boob boob penis
242 コウイカ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 02:53:59.67 ID:eX4kUXgZ
              /  \―。
            (    /  \_
             /       /  ヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ...―/          _)  < OH! DICK,DICK, SHU!SHU!SHU!
        ノ:::へ_ __    /      \_____
        |/-=o=-     \/_
       /::::::ヽ―ヽ -=o=-_(::::::::.ヽ
      |○/ 。  /:::::::::  (:::::::::::::)
      |::::人__人:::::○    ヽ/
      ヽ   __ \      /
       \  | .::::/.|       /
        \lヽ::::ノ丿      /
243 こまつな(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:54:51.47 ID:3MGD6NVz
Yakuza is a Korean Residents in the Japan.
According to several well-recognized reliable sources such as The New York Times, Yale University Research and U.S. News & World Report, most of Yakuza members are either Korean Residents or Brakumins.
And according to the U.S. government and Foreign Press Club Yakuzas are well connect with North and South Korea.

If Japan tries to clean up Yakuza, Korean Residents and Burakumin will use Discriminations Claims to fight off government crackdowns on a Yakuza
because they have used Discriminations claims to fight off on crackdowns by the government.
244 ウニ(北陸地方):2008/11/01(土) 02:55:15.44 ID:K5ASf4wP
245 つまみ菜(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 02:55:39.25 ID:cKhms1vT
I was asked that when I was playing AOE3 online.
246 かいわれ(USA):2008/11/01(土) 02:55:39.49 ID:4iXaZc9/
Index is my wife.
247 まつたけ(不明なsoftbank):2008/11/01(土) 02:57:17.97 ID:MW0uFR8/
248 オレンジ(長崎県):2008/11/01(土) 02:58:22.79 ID:zCsBK3i5
249 レタス(USA):2008/11/01(土) 02:58:29.00 ID:B6jVQN8n
Louise Francoise de la Bamue le Blanc de la Valliere is my wife.
250 こまつな(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 02:58:46.68 ID:3MGD6NVz
Single parents are almost twice as common in the buraku as in the nation as a whole.

A 35-year-old study in Japan found that buraku children had lower I.Q.'s than non-buraku children in the same public schools.

Truancy rates in elementary school in 1960 were 12 times as high for buraku children as for others. Now they are twice as high.

Burakumin have almost caught up with their peers in the proportion who graduate from high school, a tremendous achievement.
But only about 24 percent of burakumin go to college

One rare statistical study, conducted by Americans in the 1960's, found that burakumin youths were three times as likely as non-buraku youths to be arrested for crimes.

one of Japan's open secrets: burakumin and ethnic Koreans dominate the organized crime gangs known as the yakuza. More than three-quarters of the members of the Yamaguchi Gumi,
Japan's biggest underworld organization, are said to be burakumin or ethnic Koreans.

251 うり(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 02:59:27.81 ID:Hl37c0kY
252 たんぽぽ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 02:59:31.73 ID:F0P6ye5j
Here is awful "Inter-Nets".
253 オリーブ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 03:00:57.37 ID:5hhRbbEh
Charo is pretty dog.
He want to go japan.
But he
254 オレンジ(長崎県):2008/11/01(土) 03:01:09.00 ID:zCsBK3i5
Die Yoboo
255 こまつな(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 03:02:24.17 ID:3MGD6NVz
256 さくらんぼ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 03:03:11.88 ID:pqm7uwdv
lol noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob!
257 こまつな(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 03:04:06.28 ID:3MGD6NVz

米大人類社会学のJames Lett教授


Asahara's own father is Korean.
The conservative daily press and TV won't touch that one,
for fear of stirring up anti-Korean resentment

258 ぶどう(愛媛県):2008/11/01(土) 03:04:33.12 ID:MxVhG4jV
259 オリーブ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 03:05:03.18 ID:2/5coJf7
Please!! my penis pero pero!!!
260 とうもろこし(東海):2008/11/01(土) 03:05:43.17 ID:aIbOyK6Z
261 サケ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 03:06:38.88 ID:iLawrkDn
I was born to love you,
262 ヒラマサ(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 03:07:17.26 ID:KEwWtQYL
Sha,na,na,na,na,na,na,na Knees!!Knees!!
263 サワラ(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 03:08:26.42 ID:NAxRj03w
a ha
264 山椒(関東):2008/11/01(土) 03:09:40.85 ID:uW2uyzCv
265 バジル(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 03:10:54.52 ID:KA6IAUAU
i just wonder why those english forums are like,,

│quote                            │
│     whatever whatever, the dumb whole     │
│    messages with the ugly quote box      │
ya, that's right.
                   ,'⌒,ー、           _ ,,..  X
                 〈∨⌒ /\__,,..  -‐ '' " _,,. ‐''´
          〈\   _,,r'" 〉 // //     . ‐''"
           ,ゝ `</ /  〉 /  ∧_,. r ''"
- - - -_,,.. ‐''" _,.〉 / /  . {'⌒) ∠二二> -  - - - - - -
  _,.. ‐''"  _,,,.. -{(⌒)、  r'`ー''‐‐^‐'ヾ{} +
 '-‐ '' "  _,,. ‐''"`ー‐ヘj^‐'   ;;    ‐ -‐   _-just too long self intro
 - ‐_+      ;'"  ,;'' ,''   ,;゙ ‐-  ー_- ‐   and always too big banner

using so much space to say only a few words.
266 みつば(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 03:12:21.42 ID:pZZw/tZR
267 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 03:16:04.82 ID:9bleTMUu
268 わさび(北陸地方):2008/11/01(土) 03:17:51.79 ID:CSdgzy13
just like
269 唐辛子(奈良県):2008/11/01(土) 03:20:31.90 ID:aYcwCMHQ
270 オレンジ(長崎県):2008/11/01(土) 03:24:32.21 ID:zCsBK3i5
271 わさび(北陸地方):2008/11/01(土) 03:26:53.36 ID:CSdgzy13
I was just raped and killed a girl!
he he
272 マンゴー(静岡県):2008/11/01(土) 03:28:26.05 ID:cGTXUMVG
It`s been along time hasn`t it,I must say I missed you.
273 わさび(北陸地方):2008/11/01(土) 03:28:30.69 ID:CSdgzy13
of course that is a joke you know
thank you
274 タチウオ(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 03:36:45.70 ID:7bulP771
hello everybody that walk to the hellowork!!HAHAHA
275 にら(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 03:39:24.31 ID:HdZd4yo9
276 わさび(北陸地方):2008/11/01(土) 03:40:07.31 ID:CSdgzy13
i want to commit suecide
i don't have any hope
thank you
277 にら(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 03:41:49.52 ID:HdZd4yo9
278 にら(山陽):2008/11/01(土) 03:42:59.78 ID:yaEpXHcb
Who is Francoise?
279 うり(三重県):2008/11/01(土) 03:43:29.27 ID:xHU5wzG3
oh you say you know gonna back
280 おくら(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 03:43:38.13 ID:XWDXG3Z1
Oh! shit!
281 にら(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 03:44:20.22 ID:HdZd4yo9
282 レタス(USA):2008/11/01(土) 03:46:03.30 ID:B6jVQN8n
A cheeky pink queen in this world.
She is mine.
283 わさび(北陸地方):2008/11/01(土) 03:46:30.77 ID:CSdgzy13
oh thank you nice gay
you know
thank you
284 ヒラマサ(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 03:48:46.09 ID:KEwWtQYL
            ( V       (ソ  ヘ ( 
        ノ  )    _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,、   て 
         (ノ   ,,,,iiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliii,,,   て
       )  .,,iilllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli,,   ,ゞ  
     ノ ソ ,,illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll゙llllllllllllli,   ( ノ
      (   ,illllllllllllllllllllil|,iil,,iil,iiililil:;',iliillllllllllllll,  (  
   ノ  )  ,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:::'llllllllllllllllllli、  て 
    ,,,,,,,,,,  .lllllllllllllll!゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙!!゙゙゙!!゙゙゙゙゙゜::::゙゙゙゙゙゙゙”゜゙llll   ( ノ 
  .lilllll!!!゙!li,、lllllllllllllil、:::、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::゙ll:  .,, ヘ (  
  .'゙!llllllllllllll, llllllllllllll゙`:::i,ll゙'''≒?::::::::::::,,lllサl゙llr:l| ..,iilllii,,, 
   .._,,゙l!lllll!lliilllllllllllll°:::l゜: ●._: : °、:〔: .,●,,,,`lllllll!!゙   Feel at home here!!
    ゙゙゙゙’     .゙゙h,,_:::::::::::::::::::;.,: : : :,、:::::,,,,ill゙゜::::::::゚'i、
    : ;:;: : :: : : :  ,,,,liillliiilll,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,Zi,レrl,illlll!゙::::::::::::::::::廴 
    : : : : : ;:: ;;:,,ll゙’::゙llllllllli,゙≒wewl'″,,lllllll゙::::::::::::::::::::::$ 
285 タチウオ(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 03:56:43.37 ID:7bulP771
So Lovely girl. but her character seems to be bad.mm

286 にら(山陽):2008/11/01(土) 03:57:21.49 ID:yaEpXHcb
Sry I misunderstanded
"Francoise" is true
287 トリュフ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 03:57:27.69 ID:WY2iyvRc
288 すいか(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 03:57:56.21 ID:o+MtJsoJ
289 オレンジ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 04:00:33.25 ID:MsJhMVSC
Fack you! What the hell are you doing here?
290 じゅんさい(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 04:02:19.41 ID:KBKEuFsU

291 レタス(USA):2008/11/01(土) 04:03:01.58 ID:B6jVQN8n
I am really disappointed nobody realized the american joke in >>282.
Search "mine" in your dictionary ASAP.
292 マダイ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 04:04:11.11 ID:hYorbEzT
hi, there!
this is a new post w/o BE
293 サワラ(熊本県):2008/11/01(土) 04:05:28.75 ID:FO93cmGN
i think here is VIP.
294 びわ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 04:05:31.85 ID:AC900/6U
still alive
295 マダイ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 04:05:52.45 ID:hYorbEzT
omg, still catv?
this is through emova
296 ガザミ(和歌山県):2008/11/01(土) 04:07:15.59 ID:+QChiIqr
what's meanings of "HALLOWORK"?
sorry, i can not understand that because I'm people of langerhans island.
so if I forecast that meanings, HALLO is sign or message when somebody come across person,
and WORK is duty that ordinary people are set by GOD.
ok, I think perhaps HELLOWORK is message that people say on the road during they go to office.
297 わさび(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 04:07:43.22 ID:7KuKcsDh
Die in VIP
298 にら(山陽):2008/11/01(土) 04:08:03.56 ID:yaEpXHcb
Is she a explosive?
299 かいわれ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 04:08:05.63 ID:HRHZc/TH
300 バジル(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 04:08:48.01 ID:KA6IAUAU
i can't believe that the last two lines would change the whole point of the story. that's wicked awesome.
301 レタス(USA):2008/11/01(土) 04:09:31.32 ID:B6jVQN8n
Oh, you are right!
302 かいわれ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 04:10:34.32 ID:HRHZc/TH
It ate the pineapple from the nose.
303 ノリ(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 04:11:49.49 ID:cz4OYcqq
304 イサキ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 04:13:20.80 ID:yViX5dq/
Answer these question. who are them?

1. 17-year-old high school student. while investigating a blackmail case, He is attacked by two members of the Black Organization and is given a newly-developed drug that is supposed to kill him.
However, due to a rare and generally unknown side effect, the drug doesn't kill him, but transforms his body into that of a seven-year-old grade schooler.

2. He is nicknamed the "Red Comet", due to the speed at which he destroyed five of Earth Federation's Magellan class battleships with his red Zaku at the Battle of Loum during the One Year War.

3. He is 19 years old and a skilled swordsman, who uses up to three swords at once, clutching the third in his mouth. He is extremely poor at understanding geographical directions and gets lost very easily.
He also sleeps a great deal and loves to drink. His goal is to become the greatest swordsman in the world.

4. He is 11-year-old boy. He has four items to help him; a mask which increases physical strength 6600 times, a cape for flying in the sky at 119km/h,
a badge which enables him to communicate with his peers and breathe underwater, and a copy-robot which metamorphoses into his look-alike to help him keep his secret identity during his missions

5. He become a nearly unstoppable vampire. He is able to walk on walls, and regenerate his body faster than fire can consume it.
He is able to pressurize liquid in his eyeballs and then create small openings on pupils, eventually creating two fluid jets powerful enough to slice stone and kill living things.
He is also able to vaporize his body fluid rapidly enough to freeze anything he touches.
305 ごぼう(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 04:19:16.52 ID:iif/3zH5
306 つる菜(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 04:29:54.09 ID:xhacgJkw
You Chon!
307 バナナ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 04:44:33.14 ID:45TV1G7V
Hatten Maikeru Toronesou
308 にんじん(広島県):2008/11/01(土) 05:00:59.80 ID:Rr4AUhJO
passive hell and death
309 らっきょう(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 05:14:01.36 ID:Bl4ZWRGu
fack you
310 りんご(東日本):2008/11/01(土) 05:34:19.57 ID:GVb+FHMe
Oh... you funky pussy HAHAHA
311 ニシン(福井県):2008/11/01(土) 05:34:45.64 ID:j/XfOUXt
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shock dead
Everybody's gone mad

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
312 アンコウ(東海):2008/11/01(土) 05:35:50.35 ID:JP7U7tnq
oh...miss spell fuck you
313 ワカメ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 05:45:54.35 ID:gcZjBmq8
fuck you
314 山椒(青森県):2008/11/01(土) 05:54:44.29 ID:mkuRR2T7
Kaikoku shite kudasai yo~~!
315 メロン(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 05:56:03.68 ID:OpJeJCvy
I was born to love Mizunashi Akari
I was born to love Ruis flansowas ru brand ra varier
I was born to love Index tan
I was born to love Tamura yukari
I was born to love Kugimiya rie
I was born to love two-dimentional world
316 レタス(USA):2008/11/01(土) 06:00:04.09 ID:B6jVQN8n
317 ねぎ(三重県):2008/11/01(土) 06:08:02.17 ID:/xwdSraZ
Oh! Manko!
318 なっとう(埼玉県):2008/11/01(土) 06:10:04.46 ID:OJP0uOIi
Tamura Yukari's voice sounds so cute!
So her face must be very beautiful.
319 ピーマン(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 06:13:13.15 ID:0rosbqIW
320 おくら(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 06:24:31.18 ID:siLcTF6C
321 クルマエビ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 06:38:57.35 ID:kbW+sQ8h
Fuck off 死ね
322 しょうが(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 06:40:05.63 ID:BxUYkBXX
323 メロン(兵庫県):2008/11/01(土) 06:43:37.07 ID:AB5E9Etf
It's your pain or my pain or somebody's pain
324 スイートコーン(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 06:43:47.36 ID:RkPiSQOh
I hate discrimination and a black!
325 カキ(東海):2008/11/01(土) 07:04:40.44 ID:T8glkvP7
「You have double chin.」
「?・・・oh,chin chin, chin chin shu shu!!!」
「It's crazy」
326 大葉(静岡県):2008/11/01(土) 07:09:42.01 ID:2R+or6i3
>>1 oh You must go to VIP!!!!
327 マイワシ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 07:20:21.42 ID:naSogOq9
zip please!
zip please!!
328 さつまいも(兵庫県):2008/11/01(土) 09:37:09.68 ID:VEJJjqCT
kokomade kopipe
329 タラ(四国):2008/11/01(土) 09:40:46.69 ID:ijIp+sYd
tomita kazuhiko
330 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 09:42:06.49 ID:GaauTaPu
Ju to ju de niju!! at ju de sanju!!!!
331 ヒジキ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 09:44:05.59 ID:fWM3L0YW
nice stick in your heart
332 にら(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 09:45:09.70 ID:hTSIBLZW


newsoku bigins
333 エシャロット(青森県):2008/11/01(土) 09:46:29.38 ID:pX+BRrtn



Breaking News Bulletin Board System is end.
334 マイワシ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 09:47:24.07 ID:72SKQSEe
i am now at the las vegas airport, and waiting for the delayed flight to san francisco due to the weather condition.
do you guys have any idea what to do here in the airport?
335 うど(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 09:48:05.60 ID:amA2hCB9
          ( ,_ノ` )
          r      ヽ.
       __/  ┃)) __i | キュッキュッ
      / /ヽ,,⌒)___(,,ノ\

          ( ,_ノ` )
        | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  トン
       _(,,)  Love   (,,)
      / |   SeanS  |\
336 ガザミ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 09:48:09.97 ID:XuWZAXZA
Why gazami‥
337 ごぼう(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 09:49:01.15 ID:aj4qwxHW
what a internatioanal sled you join
338 ズッキーニ(四国):2008/11/01(土) 09:49:11.44 ID:kuN6oCFZ

339 ガザミ(関東):2008/11/01(土) 09:49:13.38 ID:WpBtE7Uo
To be to be ten made to be.
340 おかひじき(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 09:49:39.79 ID:y89UvXpC
vip de yare
341 しゅんぎく(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 09:49:53.24 ID:yyo2mYgW
342 イカ(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 09:51:18.02 ID:/RoEk1Zo
to be continue
343 えんどう(西日本):2008/11/01(土) 09:52:41.71 ID:H1GiLIBr
Aboard a KC-130, airmen from the Philippine Air Force's 710th Special Operations Wing,
also known as the Sky Warriors, and U.S. Marines with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit's Deep Reconnaissance Platoon,
conducted parachute operations Oct. 18, during this year's bilateral training exercises Talon Vision and Amphibious Landing Exercise.
344 おかひじき(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 09:53:11.59 ID:rhmoTk6B
I megu daisuki!!
345 かぼちゃ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 09:54:51.83 ID:PyYRuelc
346 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 10:02:42.91 ID:iDj4q/m5
アイアム ナンシーズ ペン
347 アカガイ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 10:13:56.38 ID:1dncfrJB
what'up you guys?
348 うり(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 10:14:49.42 ID:dRr6XwlJ
349 イサキ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 10:36:10.16 ID:93zM6n2p
Die in VIP.
350 ふき(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 11:02:52.04 ID:NkFiTSlo
i can not speak english
because im fuckin jap
351 たんぽぽ(関西):2008/11/01(土) 12:47:41.99 ID:2GQlB1qn
352 ビーツ(静岡県):2008/11/01(土) 12:48:44.21 ID:IJ2W8hFr

I am a pun.
353 みつば(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 12:53:43.07 ID:0JF+/C/P
We am a pen.
354 カレイ(岩手県):2008/11/01(土) 12:56:05.55 ID:h8qzMNNe
here is vip
355 さといも(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 12:56:21.05 ID:dZqbpdwx
it's funny
356 バジル(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 13:04:13.88 ID:E6AF2aHg
I'll kill kounago tomorrow.
357 たけのこ(関東):2008/11/01(土) 13:05:22.82 ID:wi1SUVPc

(∪^ω^) BOW WOW O
358 にら(東海):2008/11/01(土) 13:06:06.84 ID:hmdKTNTF
I too hoed you
359 コウイカ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:06:46.48 ID:4AAWBywY
fack you!
360 カキ(長野県):2008/11/01(土) 13:07:18.54 ID:0WWib8i9
※Only good looking guy
361 アンコウ(島根県):2008/11/01(土) 13:07:31.97 ID:pjglqikT
miss spell
fuck you
362 やまのいも(三重県):2008/11/01(土) 13:07:58.92 ID:KxMqtnX5
Are you like who?
363 セリ(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:08:48.57 ID:ix94+ya0
call me taxi
364 さといも(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 13:09:50.88 ID:dZqbpdwx
Oh..It was cheated.
365 コウイカ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:10:19.23 ID:4AAWBywY
Fuck You!!!
366 ばれいしょ(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 13:11:07.90 ID:rFAy1Hrv
I'm much disappointed by yours English skill
367 アサリ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 13:11:32.15 ID:hE97fgCh
368 セロリ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:12:10.13 ID:DEjH97q8
Good morning,everyone!
I've come from VIPwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
369 そらまめ(関東):2008/11/01(土) 13:12:15.12 ID:A/qJYTQD
My pen is big
370 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:12:57.50 ID:m7veUYZH
You are nothing but fuck'n pussy.
371 アンコウ(島根県):2008/11/01(土) 13:13:19.61 ID:pjglqikT
Here is VIP!
372 梨(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 13:13:20.02 ID:ohhil9Iu
It's a SONY.
373 バジル(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 13:13:33.88 ID:E6AF2aHg
Oh, I lost your pen from my sight.
374 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:13:44.53 ID:m7veUYZH
Fuck, suck my fuck'n dick.
375 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:14:57.35 ID:m7veUYZH
Let you suiside.
376 おくら(茨城県):2008/11/01(土) 13:14:59.93 ID:zuVj6MYw
I'd like to talk about Hiroshima,
377 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:15:38.94 ID:m7veUYZH
Get out motherfucker.
378 コウイカ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:17:34.89 ID:4AAWBywY
Let's go to adventure with us.
379 ホタテガイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 13:17:39.02 ID:JOOgn55K
I like 2-gigen!!!!!111!
380 おくら(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 13:17:49.21 ID:3Pr+960Q
381 たまねぎ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 13:18:01.39 ID:xAeVVqxC
382 山椒(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 13:18:29.92 ID:4K3ZMk+y
I am a Gandom.
383 サンマ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 13:18:37.58 ID:k+rQFJY/
passive hell and death.
384 アボガド(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:19:00.70 ID:ri5t7Rwq
Die in VIP
385 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:19:05.66 ID:m7veUYZH
Turn down.
386 ふき(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 13:20:46.71 ID:b4GfauVJ
I am a angel
387 タコ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 13:20:54.91 ID:5NsAvviv
I don't Know when use to Though Then Them.
388 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:21:05.62 ID:m7veUYZH
I have never seen such a stoopid guy.
389 コンブ(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 13:21:24.14 ID:vRPGfUuO
oreha itariagowotukauze
390 たんぽぽ(関西):2008/11/01(土) 13:23:09.39 ID:2GQlB1qn
My special favorite is a penis
391 レタス(関西・北陸):2008/11/01(土) 13:23:32.59 ID:HmoUS51p
392 大阪白菜(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 13:25:49.73 ID:baWEKAL2
My pen is big
393 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:26:58.12 ID:m7veUYZH
Kick your ass.
394 くわい(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 13:28:01.48 ID:ca7F/YZt
I'm Gundam
395 かぶ(関西地方):2008/11/01(土) 13:28:10.43 ID:Wh/nIKzM
kiss my ass.
396 山椒(東海):2008/11/01(土) 13:28:46.36 ID:uZYsg29a
Come! C o m e ! C o m e !
397 ぶどう(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 13:29:43.81 ID:c71vW1nK
398 ホタテガイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 13:29:58.47 ID:JOOgn55K
Can I kiss your ass?
399 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 13:30:14.36 ID:/o/d+gug
What's going on?
400 しゅんぎく(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 13:30:21.00 ID:arGZBAeU
401 クレソン(京都府):2008/11/01(土) 13:31:02.30 ID:eZRFq8e6
402 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:31:16.49 ID:m7veUYZH
You shuld look up to me.
403 キス(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 13:32:20.48 ID:WNI90S/V
If you smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell What The Rock is cookin'!
404 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:32:33.51 ID:m7veUYZH
Refuse, son of a bitch.
405 大葉(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 13:33:27.47 ID:GqgB84d8
実際はFACK YOUでもおkらしいよ。
406 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 13:35:56.59 ID:/o/d+gug
I have good idea!!
You pee in my ass
407 タラ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 13:37:23.34 ID:TIAiUjnF
I was gay.
408 くわい(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 13:38:52.91 ID:ca7F/YZt
Two holes will appear as you curse a person
409 ヒラメ(関東地方):2008/11/01(土) 13:39:27.81 ID:kkM4nhjU
the meaning will change.

to fack means to say truth.
410 じゅんさい(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 13:40:50.97 ID:XpBHBYkJ
oh! shall we sex?
411 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:40:56.10 ID:m7veUYZH
I recommend that you drink some sperma.
412 トビウオ(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 13:41:12.27 ID:nfIOF/qo
No I cat.
413 ささげ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 13:41:38.64 ID:I6pxMxLE
I would go out tonight
but I haven't got a stitch to wear
414 レタス(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 13:43:22.70 ID:Eca3UtAm
I can fly!
415 ホタテガイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 13:43:53.48 ID:JOOgn55K
You can fly !
416 ホタテガイ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:45:13.06 ID:72za0+Lp
     _____                            __     __  ___ _____
     /      \                          |   |    /  /  |  //       |
    /  / ̄ ̄\ .\                             |   |.   /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄|. l
    /  /    /. /   ___       _  . _       . |   |  /  /  /  / /   /.  / /
   /  /    /. /  /     \   / / . / /_     |   |  /  /  /  / /    ̄ ̄ /
   /  /    /. /  ./ / ̄ ̄/ /     ̄  / ___ \.  . |   |. /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄ ̄
  /  /    / ./  / /   / /   / ̄/ / /  \ ヽ   .|   |/  /  /  /. /   /
  /  /___/ ./  / /__/ /   /  / / /   / /. . .|.     /  /  /  /   /
 /        /  \___/   /  / / /   / /     |    /. /   | ./   /
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄                ̄  .  ̄      . ̄     ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄.  ̄ ̄
417 ホタテガイ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:45:17.76 ID:72za0+Lp
     _____                            __     __  ___ _____
     /      \                          |   |    /  /  |  //       |
    /  / ̄ ̄\ .\                             |   |.   /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄|. l
    /  /    /. /   ___       _  . _       . |   |  /  /  /  / /   /.  / /
   /  /    /. /  /     \   / / . / /_     |   |  /  /  /  / /    ̄ ̄ /
   /  /    /. /  ./ / ̄ ̄/ /     ̄  / ___ \.  . |   |. /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄ ̄
  /  /    / ./  / /   / /   / ̄/ / /  \ ヽ   .|   |/  /  /  /. /   /
  /  /___/ ./  / /__/ /   /  / / /   / /. . .|.     /  /  /  /   /
 /        /  \___/   /  / / /   / /     |    /. /   | ./   /
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄                ̄  .  ̄      . ̄     ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄.  ̄ ̄
418 ホタテガイ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:45:23.63 ID:72za0+Lp
     _____                            __     __  ___ _____
     /      \                          |   |    /  /  |  //       |
    /  / ̄ ̄\ .\                             |   |.   /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄|. l
    /  /    /. /   ___       _  . _       . |   |  /  /  /  / /   /.  / /
   /  /    /. /  /     \   / / . / /_     |   |  /  /  /  / /    ̄ ̄ /
   /  /    /. /  ./ / ̄ ̄/ /     ̄  / ___ \.  . |   |. /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄ ̄
  /  /    / ./  / /   / /   / ̄/ / /  \ ヽ   .|   |/  /  /  /. /   /
  /  /___/ ./  / /__/ /   /  / / /   / /. . .|.     /  /  /  /   /
 /        /  \___/   /  / / /   / /     |    /. /   | ./   /
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄                ̄  .  ̄      . ̄     ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄.  ̄ ̄
419 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:47:27.49 ID:m7veUYZH
You have a disorder brain, don't you?
420 オリーブ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 13:50:11.79 ID:CCi8ae3i
Hello,I love sex.
421 ホタテガイ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 13:51:29.84 ID:72za0+Lp
n:       ___      n:
||    / __ \    .||
||    | |(゚)  (゚)| |    ||
f「| |^ト    ヽ  ̄ ̄ ̄ /   「| |^|`|
|: ::  ! }      ̄□ ̄     | !  : ::}
ヽ  ,イ  / ̄ ̄ハ ̄ ̄\  ヽ  ,イ
422 もやし(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 13:53:12.55 ID:m7veUYZH
Chill out.
423 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 13:53:38.34 ID:/o/d+gug
but, It is handsome only.
424 イカ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 13:55:12.61 ID:92dZio3R
you're disgusting,gross,ugly man
die,right now!
425 バジル(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 13:59:35.88 ID:E6AF2aHg
he says he used to be.. not now
426 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:00:37.29 ID:/o/d+gug
You should look at your face by mirror
427 アサリ(北海道):2008/11/01(土) 14:01:20.68 ID:Dbm+hr+r
428 エシャロット(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:02:00.43 ID:c3EwlVkK
fuck me
429 クレソン(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:02:52.92 ID:Lzlk6b5U
430 バジル(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:03:11.71 ID:E6AF2aHg
take a bath at first, demon
431 大阪白菜(青森県):2008/11/01(土) 14:03:53.39 ID:DpVnq/Fa
I am not neet. you are neet
432 ぶどう(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 14:04:03.42 ID:c71vW1nK
You should have written "・・・ your face with the mirror".
433 イカ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 14:04:09.90 ID:92dZio3R
my mom said my face resemble Brad Pitt
i think so too
434 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:04:41.15 ID:/o/d+gug
It is already 16 o'clock...
435 山椒(大阪府):2008/11/01(土) 14:05:19.34 ID:r1FIIzkh
my ship is sinking.....
436 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:06:43.80 ID:/o/d+gug
Oh! Thank you so much! son of a bitch!
437 さといも(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 14:06:53.90 ID:dZqbpdwx
kidding me..
438 しゅんぎく(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 14:07:17.43 ID:WMwwf5qC
439 エンダイブ(東日本):2008/11/01(土) 14:09:38.87 ID:QUUD7/lA
Here is a dump ...... Welcome KUSO thread.
440 カキ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 14:09:50.46 ID:JW1cvzAQ
Perhaps it isn't Brad Pitt but Brack Pig..
441 バジル(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:10:14.52 ID:E6AF2aHg
who says neet is neet, you know! you neet!
442 イカ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 14:12:02.72 ID:92dZio3R
haha!it's nice chinese joke
443 かぼす(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:12:21.41 ID:XHQuwhkz
444 バジル(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:13:13.96 ID:E6AF2aHg
aba bah bah bah bah bah bah bah
right wing fat
maintenance, maintenance, maintenance, maintenance
right wing fat
445 ばれいしょ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 14:13:25.92 ID:tB/1RzDB
おい>>63!You isって何だよボケ。一番ガッカリしたわ死ね
446 みつば(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 14:14:10.54 ID:JW1cvzAQ
I can fly!!
447 バジル(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:14:26.12 ID:E6AF2aHg
use english, hairless head!!
448 サケ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:15:41.88 ID:pYXLfhjX
fack yoo
449 そらまめ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:15:52.07 ID:nu+06D7w
450 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:16:09.85 ID:/o/d+gug
Do you really look like Brad Pitt?
My hair just looks like Jude Law.
451 マイワシ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:16:31.12 ID:BXzTT2Bk
You can write in English
452 たんぽぽ(東日本):2008/11/01(土) 14:16:40.41 ID:l8Y1YlSc
You call Supagetty stupid but he is a genius because of his english ability
which is Native American quality. can you understand ?
453 かいわれ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 14:17:39.63 ID:oNeGOmnB
Oh my son near her gay girl
454 タチウオ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:18:30.60 ID:lYwvRX6j
what topic do you like best?
i want to talk about japanese hentai-game.
455 レモン(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 14:18:51.63 ID:3NAPkEW7
go shoe show summer death
456 ホタテガイ(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 14:19:07.09 ID:JOOgn55K
You have to shine!!, no, Shine!!
457 キャベツ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 14:19:38.18 ID:DxGo9Kqh
Don't think. Feel and you'll be ...
458 エシャロット(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:20:11.00 ID:c3EwlVkK
i wish i was gay.
459 イカ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 14:21:33.50 ID:92dZio3R
i don't know Jude Law so I searched for the picture of Jude Law using by Google
it's a bald man
what a pity...
460 カツオ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 14:23:05.91 ID:SQrGGsJB
I'm sorry
I am hated
461 きんかん(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 14:23:24.64 ID:xm2+mNFZ
?Por que te gusta jentai japones?
Todos japoneses les gustan Gueisha, ?no?
462 タチウオ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:25:30.00 ID:lYwvRX6j
kisamara!tekiseigengo nazo tukatte hazukasikunainoka!
463 はくさい(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 14:26:30.25 ID:xBDNy1Zm
Uyo shibo.
464 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:27:19.44 ID:/o/d+gug
Thank you for your sympathy, Mr. Black Pig.
465 マイワシ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 14:27:33.81 ID:BXzTT2Bk
someone answer >>304 questions!

it takes about one half hour to prepare them.
466 つるむらさき(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 14:27:48.42 ID:UR5R/9ej
All your base are belong to us.
467 ねぎ(山口県):2008/11/01(土) 14:28:55.81 ID:ktXFZ+Pc
J( 'ー`)し Today's dinner is oden!
468 しょうが(千葉県):2008/11/01(土) 14:31:52.56 ID:i/nCjsGA
you is big foolmanHAHAHA!
469 カツオ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 14:33:11.16 ID:SQrGGsJB
Please speak in English.
Because I can speak only English.
470 タチウオ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:33:17.63 ID:lYwvRX6j
our today's dinner is tanpopo on the sashimi!
471 イカ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 14:33:27.82 ID:92dZio3R
i'm a social withdrawal student and i don't bask sun for many months
so my skin is not black but white
therefore calling me white pig is correct
472 トマト(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 14:33:33.73 ID:Wuvdlcl5
i'm lovin'it
473 キンメダイ(九州):2008/11/01(土) 14:33:37.62 ID:k2pNt3SH
474 サヨリ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:35:29.30 ID:/o/d+gug
Oden isn't to be the main dish!! mom.
475 ねぎ(青森県):2008/11/01(土) 14:36:53.28 ID:ve+M3tys
476 キンメダイ(九州):2008/11/01(土) 14:37:16.19 ID:k2pNt3SH
You don't speak English very well.
You're only who yellow monkey.
477 みつば(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 14:37:57.87 ID:ped8cbB2
Driven in our dreams.TOYOTA
478 ばれいしょ(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 14:38:35.32 ID:tB/1RzDB
ez Q・・・
479 サケ(東海):2008/11/01(土) 14:39:07.76 ID:CQem6wnM
480 たまねぎ(長野県):2008/11/01(土) 14:39:36.58 ID:hfNL6Q1v
Die in VIP!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck you!!!!!!!
481 かぼす(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 14:40:01.15 ID:tB/1RzDB
482 タチウオ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 14:40:10.29 ID:lYwvRX6j
hi, i'm zapanese
zapanese right wing is the shame of us
i'm sorry to asian people
483 カツオ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 14:41:11.73 ID:SQrGGsJB
It uses a dictionary to abuse you and wait for a moment, please.
484 おかひじき(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 14:42:16.02 ID:Gh/WC8Iz
485 グリーンピース(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 14:43:15.43 ID:rBMjSuRL
it's a funny weather, but you are writing this website.
486 しょうが(関西):2008/11/01(土) 14:47:15.76 ID:H1PYz5bV
nanto you sin than
487 みつば(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 14:47:34.04 ID:C8drJZWw
488 キンメダイ(九州):2008/11/01(土) 14:48:29.96 ID:k2pNt3SH
No thank you.
I believe that you are going to go to hell in few days!!
489 エンダイブ(和歌山県):2008/11/01(土) 14:48:45.92 ID:1Ctd60UD
I can homo sex.
490 サバ(岡山県):2008/11/01(土) 14:48:58.63 ID:05qEW79K
491 オリーブ(関東・甲信越):2008/11/01(土) 14:53:19.55 ID:iHOhf97X
Why don't you find a job ?
492 はくさい(愛知県):2008/11/01(土) 14:55:25.59 ID:xBDNy1Zm

題名 loveザワールド

でももうストップできない 私のハートはyouのもの
あなたのハートはwho?え?聞こえない ワンモアプリーズ
me?me? リアリー??! ワオ ワンダホー
493 こまつな(不明なsoftbank):2008/11/01(土) 14:55:41.71 ID:jqAskFii
494 ねぎ(青森県):2008/11/01(土) 14:56:13.08 ID:ve+M3tys
im NEET.
495 みつば(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 14:57:17.20 ID:02eP7o8U
one of Japan's open secrets: burakumin and ethnic Koreans dominate the organized crime gangs known as the yakuza.

More than three-quarters of the members of the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan's biggest underworld organization, are said to be burakumin or ethnic Koreans.

496 ピーマン(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 14:58:46.02 ID:0P8OP1f7
i want fuck me
497 とうもろこし(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 15:14:59.41 ID:dCgU6Qh8
One problem that this thread has is the residents here have no ability to express their thinking in English.
498 ヒジキ(dion軍):2008/11/01(土) 15:15:53.69 ID:NUgWT8M5
499 バジル(兵庫県):2008/11/01(土) 15:19:37.02 ID:lSYtv4HG
500 とうもろこし(福岡県):2008/11/01(土) 15:20:14.74 ID:AI3lgiW3
      ,イ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ `ヽ、
    ./           ヽ
    /  / ̄`ヽ    / ̄ヽヽ
   ./  /●   }  /●   } ヽ   | ̄ ̄ヽ   |   | ̄ ̄ヽ
  /  |____.|  |___| Y  |     |   .|   |     |
  |    _________ .|  |__ノ   |   |__ノ
  {   /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|  }  |  \    |   |
  ヽ  .〈:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/  ./  .|    \  |   |
   ヽ  \/ ̄`ヽ:::::::::::/ /
    `ヽ  ゝ----イ   /
      `  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ´
501 かぶ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 15:22:35.69 ID:h0Ypjp43
502 かぼちゃ(USA):2008/11/01(土) 15:26:42.45 ID:bN4HXTac
No, I dont think so. What we need to do is just specify the topic.
Specified topics make BBS more active and many resident can participate in this thread.
503 アロエ(長屋):2008/11/01(土) 15:28:07.74 ID:I+d4jyiO
I have no idea.
504 ノリ(長野県):2008/11/01(土) 15:34:17.27 ID:86AQqMqY
Oh,yeah.You have always no idea.
505 カワハギ(神奈川県):2008/11/01(土) 15:49:26.22 ID:08Hv2vJ3
Die in VIP
Mourez dans VIP
Würfel in VIP
506 すいか(岡山県):2008/11/01(土) 16:32:53.65 ID:ogrqbqKB
I want to sex every day.
507 たけのこ(関東):2008/11/01(土) 16:39:34.98 ID:wi1SUVPc
You are pork
508 オレンジ(アラバマ州):2008/11/01(土) 16:40:17.74 ID:3sETClD+
dejima deyare
509 サワラ(東京都):2008/11/01(土) 16:42:58.21 ID:w4Bqsvxl
510 かいわれ(山口県):2008/11/01(土) 16:43:37.14 ID:LoJnFMTt
511 しゅんぎく(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 16:44:06.31 ID:meGNQa7c
512 みつば(コネチカット州):2008/11/01(土) 16:51:57.83 ID:bZA21T4D
please die DQN

Please Please
513 エンダイブ(catv?):2008/11/01(土) 16:53:45.18 ID:7ka2BsoP

514 ブリ(神奈川県)
Fakku yuu