現在TOEIC挑戦中、まずは4カ月で665点から710点に ちなみにν速民の平均スコアは860点

77 米連邦準備理事会(東京都)


問題: ニュース映像を見て空欄(○)をうめよ


Welcome back, the chain of cafe in Japan is ○ed to make the ○est customers
feel like a ro○. Experts say the trends of so called maid-cafes came out of Japan ○culture.
People who like comic books, video games, and cartoons that ○ fantasy characters.
As you can see, young waitresses are dressed in ○lly maid costumes while they bow, they call customers "lord" or "master"
sometimes they get down on their ○ to stir cream or sugar into diners' coffee. For ○ bucks, customers can chat with the waitresses in the private room crowded with comic books, figurines and dvds.
The maid cafes also cater to couples, ○, tourists, and, just the ○.