263 名前:マンセー名無しさん 投稿日:2007/08/08(水) 11:28:01 ID:KobggZJY 飴もライスもびっくり・・・ ttp://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2007/08/08/25/0301000000AEN20070808002500315F.HTML U.S. surprised, but expresses deep interest in inter-Korean summit The Bush administration was "surprised" at the news of an inter-Korean summit scheduled for late August as it was notified just hours before South Korea officially announced the summit late Tuesday, informed sources here said. ブッシュ政権は南北首脳会談のニュースに驚いている。飴には発表の数時間前に連絡 が取られた。韓国外相が直接、ライス国務長官に電話で伝えたという。
Gordon Flake, executive director of the Mansfield Foundation in Washington, also noted the much-changed environment from the last inter-Korean summit in June 2000. "If President Roh is not careful, he can end up recognizing North Korea as a nuclear power through this summitry, and he can end up depriving the six-party talks of any real rationale," he said over the phone. マンスフィールド財団のGordon Flakeは「ノムヒョン大統領は充分注意しないと、南北 首脳会談は北朝鮮を核武装国と承認することになりかねない。それは6者協議の障害にな るかもしれない」とコメントしている。
If Seoul decides to provide economic or other assistance without significant progress in North Korea's denuclearization, the situation would become "very delicate," he said. もし韓国が、核廃棄の特段の進展なしに、北への経済支援などを行なうならば、情況が 「たいへんデリケート」なものになるという。
"One would hope that he (Roh) would have standards going on, that he would have a clear goal and objective and realize this is a very dangerous summitry in terms of the president," said Flake. 「ノムヒョン大統領が明確な規範を持ち、明瞭なゴールと目的を持ってこの首脳会談に あたらないと、このサミットはたいへん危険なものになりかねない」