【女は運転するな】 自宅の駐車に失敗

1静岡makky ◆IgDbIlkkMo
◆Woman Learns Where Not To Park the SUV

Katherine Peacock saw it, but she didn't believe it.

A sport utility vehicle had just crashed through her fence, rolled across her patio deck
and into her backyard swimming pool.

She watched, stunned, as the vehicle began to sink.

"I thought I was dreaming," said Peacock, 80. "I was so shaken up."

Meanwhile, Pat and Mimi Campanella sat inside the 2001 silver Toyota Highlander as
it filled with water.

"As we landed in the pool, I remembered a movie and I waited for the water to fill
the car and then I opened the door," said Pat Campanella, 56. Letting water in equalizes
the pressure and allows the door to open.

