
863 高校教師(山口県)
Added: Saturday, 3 March, 2007, 21:51 GMT 21:51 UK

Prostitutes existed during WW2 not only under Japanese military
but also under UK military. Anyway under Japanese governance
no Koreans protested against Japan on comfort women problems
although they appealed to terrorism for independence. Even after WW2,
Koreans had not protested on comfort women problems till 1990’s. Why?

Kenta, Osaka
Added: Saturday, 3 March, 2007, 18:02 GMT 18:02 UK

"Comfort women problem" is a propaganda made by Asahi Shinbun(Japanese(!) newspaper).
It has ended in Japan when Seiji Yoshida ran away from the scene years ago.
Today, most Japanese don't believe that. Are they all "revisionists"? Of course not.

The book of Newest Reserch by Ikuhiko Hata isn't translated, and the lie still survives.

Many Koreans and Taiwaneses were working in Japanese army. And 40% of "comfort women"
were Japanese. But medias don't touch them. The answer lies there.

Ryuichi Yotsudome, Tokyo, Japan
