Seaweed anti-obesity tablet hope
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5335176.stm Scientists have pinpointed an unlikely potential weapon in the war
against obesity - seaweed.
They found rats given fucoxanthin - a pigment in brown kelp - lost up
to 10% of their body weight, mainly from around the gut.
They hope fucoxanthin can be developed into a slimming supplement
or a drug that targets harmful fat. The Hokkaido University research was
presented to an American Chemical Society meeting in San Francisco.
The researchers, led by Dr Kazuo Miyashita, said it might take another
three to five years before a slimming pill based on fucoxanthin was available
to the public.
The compound is found at high levels in several different types of brown
seaweed. But it is absent from green and red seaweeds, which are also used
in Asian cooking.
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