【男子出産】 天皇陛下 車の窓から身を乗り出して、沿道の市民に手を振る


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I'm wound tight Hot-wired About to explode
I'm seein' red All hopped up And ready to go
Well I'm hurtin' and I'm searchin' for a place
Where I can deliver
I wanna scoot so fast that my head snaps Back together
It's OK, not OK, it's OK, not OK, it's OK...
It's OK, not OK, it's OK, not OK, it's OK...
Go monkey go Go monkey go Mojo Jojo
Go monkey go Go monkey go Mojo Jojo
Go monkey go Go monkey go Mojo Jojo
Tell me tell me where to go Tell me tell me who to see
Tell me tell me what to do  To fix what's wrong with me!