A few years ago I was working at a large financial institution. I had been there about 5 years and had no reason to worry about my job status. At some point that year we were told that we had to put all of our procedures in writing on a web based training system. We were suspicious at first, but were told that in the business climate after 9/11 it was important to have everything we do documented, "just in case". Also, we were told, this will be a great reference tool for "new employees", freeing us up from answering the many questions new employees have. So we went to training courses that taught us how to write "very detailed" and "clear" procedures, so detailed that even pressing the enter key would be documented as a step. After all was said and done we found out that the "new employees"who would be referencing this web based system were in fact in India! That is when verything started to make sense, we were told to write so clear and exact, not because new employees needed the extra help, but because the "new employees" did not have a clear understanding of the English language and needed everything in very clear and simple English. Well luckily I found a new job before the hammer fell, being fooled by my boss to write instructions for poorly paid replacements was not cool at all.