(2005/11/6 追悼文1 BY ブライアン・メイ) (http://www.brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/brianssb.html 公式HP) **Sun 06 Nov 05** SAD NEWS - MINAKO HONDA I have been trying to process the sad news in my mind. My dear friend Minako died, and so young. She was such a bright, joyful thing ...so full of energy and smiles. Strangely, she was my first thought when we got to Tokyo for the tour.... it had been some time since we were in touch, and I wanted to try to see her. I knew only that she was not well, and I sent her a message, via her management company, hoping I would hear from her personally. Only when I got back home to England did I find out she had passed away. I don't know if my message was too late ...and feel so much sadness and regret. I don't think I will be able to listen to Golden Days for a while. The memory of recording with her is so warm and strong, though it was, I guess, a long time ago. But the sadness of her family must be so much worse. My heartfelt condolences to her folks ... Minako was a little angel. Sometimes the world is such a sad place. I will be praying that her bright spirit is inhabiting a sunnier place. Love
(2005/11/7 追悼文2 BY ブライアン・メイ) **Mon 07 Nov 05** BRI AND MINAKO, 1986 I don't remember very well how it began ..... her management came up with the idea of us working together I think. But when we met, I was very inspired, to write the songs, and we had a lovely time. She was very quick and accurate in the studio, especailly for someone so young, (19, I think) and the Japanese versions of the songs were so easy to finish. The hard thing was to do the English versions - her voice just did not easily make the consonant sounds necessary for pronouncing the English words, and we struggled to make it work. She was very hard-working, and I think one day I pushed a ilttle too hard, and she very quietly cried in a corner when she couldn't get it right. I always regretted that. I hadn't realized she felt so under pressure. She was a real perfectionist and would not quit. But in the end it all worked out and we were all smiling. There was much going on at the time for me .. I turned up one day to produce Minako with no voice whatever, having spent an evening with Anita on a freezing Westminster Bridge ... (It's a long story!) I had only recently met Anita and was VERY confused ! I was also involved with producing the fabulous Bad News record in this period .... another project which gave me great joy, and helped to get me through a very uncertain personal period in my life. Of the material we did, my favourite is Golden Days. It fitted her perfectly, her fragility, her joy, and the faint sadness which seemed to lay gently underneath. She moved me to tears even then. I think she was perceived by many as just a pop star in those days, but she was worthy of much better. She revealed her professionalism and depth when she took on roles in Musical Theatre later on. Damn. Love bri
(2006/3/1 遺作アルバムに曲提供の経緯 BY ブライアン・メイ) (http://www.brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/brianssb.html 公式HP) **Wed 01 Mar 06** REMIX OF "GOLDEN DAYS In a rush just before departing for the United States ..... I managed with a lot of help from Justin and Kris, to fit in a remix of "Golden Days" - the song I wrote for Minako Honda all those years ago. It's for a tribute album which they are organising for her in Japan. ... It was very sad, knowing that this lovely little person is no longer in the world, but also a joy to be able to put the record on a new footing. Hope you like it. And I just wish I could could bring her back. We will be advising you how to find the record when it comes out. But in the meantime ... here are the lyrics .... never (correctly) published before ...
and here's (some of) what I wrote to her manager ..
With modern technology, Justin and Kris's expertise, and the light of experience, it was possible to make the job of this that I always dreamed it could be. I feel a very big pain in the heart listening to Minako's lovely voice, and I wish so much that she was still around to enjoy this. I regret not seeking her out in the last few years until it was too late. But I think she would be very proud of this new setting for her performance. As you will see, although I had originally intended to make a combination of the Japanese and English vocal takes for this version, we eventually made the decision to mix the track completely in English. I feel this is best for this tribute, because the English version has really never been heard in Japan, and somehow I think it has a particularly exquisite fragility and charm, due to the way she pronounces the words in a language which was then very difficult for her. Of course, the meaning is also closer to my original intention, because this is the way I first wrote the song, especially for her.
In the future it would be easy to produce a Japanese version with this treatment, especially if there is a demand.
Thank you for waiting for us to finish, and for giving me the opportunity to contribute my tribute to this lovely lady, and fine artist. Best Wishes Brian c brianmay.com