

Hyundai employee flew to Korea after fatal auto accident in LA?
Oh yes there is an extradition treaty. But Sperwer is right ? Korea is a wonderful place to “hide out” in plain sight.
The way to hale Lee into the dock in LA is to file criminal charges against Hyundai America Corporation accusing the company of accessory-after-the-fact or of obstruction of justice.
There is no way that Lee would have made his own travel arrangements ? someone at Hyundai America spirited him out of the country. The truth will out.

How does drinking and driving equal “…a horrible and tragic accident.” and the two middle school girls’ deaths were deliberate murder?
Sometimes I just can’t figure out the logic in this country.

What a dumbass and his company is equally stupid and deserving of punishment for helping to flee the scene of a crime.
Hope the fucker rots in hell.