30日に米国とカナダに入国拒否をされ成田空港に着陸した ソウル発サンフランシスコ行きの大韓航空(KAL)23便に搭乗していた男は、 アルカイダのテロリストだった! Hayat(ハヤット) was first interviewed by the FBI on May 29 in Japan, when he was trying to return from Pakistan. His name was flagged on a federal "no-fly list," and Korean Airlines Flight 23 from Seoul to San Francisco International Airport was diverted to Tokyo, after about five hours over the Pacific Ocean. FBIテロ親子逮捕 ハミド・ハヤット容疑者(The FBI arrested Hamid Hayat, 22) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/news/20050609id22.htm http://tuf.co.jp/i/news/mori/0609/06091334.htm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4076670.stm