>>1でも在韓米軍の行動はその逆ですよ。 米国国防省&国務省2月15日に在韓国米国人に対し、夜中に外出しないよう警告発信!! A new U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) rule requires all U.S. military members, government workers and private contractors ? and their families ? to be at home, at work or at an on-base activity between midnight and 5 a.m. daily. No other overseas military post, including those in the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan, has a curfew policy that puts civilian workers under the same restrictions as military members, according to Department of Defense spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Greg Hicks, reports Stars and Stripes. USFK commander Gen. Leon J. LaPorte amended the ongoing curfew for servicemembers in September in response to a State Department warning that cautioned all U.S. citizens in Koreaa about potential protests and violence against Americans, USFK officials have said. http://www.usabroad.org/2005/02/us_civilian_dod.html