Castle Crashers Title Update 2 ! August 26th, 2011 | Castle Crashers XBLA Title Update 2 Changes
≫ Download the Pink Knight (complete with new weapons!) in the Xbox LIVE Marketplace, FOR FREE!!!!!!! ($1.00 donated to Keep A Breast Foundation with each of the first 50,000 downloads) ≫ Download the Blacksmith Pack for 160 Microsoft Points. Once shrouded in mystery, the legend of the Blacksmith becomes a reality. Wielding miniature antlered frogs, burning hammers of justice and springboard contraptions, this warrior is much like William Wallace (ala Braveheart), but purple and definitely not Mel Gibson. ≫ Added a Team vs Team feature to Player Match Arena (as opposed to the current free-for-all). ≫ Earn two new Avatar Awards?Cardinal Animal Orb and Knight Helmet! ≫ Ability to check Player’s Gamer Cards in Xbox LIVE matches. ≫ Main menu News Ticker for all of your latest Castle Crashers and Behemoth Updates!
≫ Level 256 cheat resolved (more info available on request). ≫ Data copy glitch (more info available on request). ≫ Sandworm experience glitch (more info available on request). ≫ Wedding Crashers progression save now fixed when user leaves game play in flowery fields. ≫ Smoothed Alien Hominid’s Splash Magic when traveling over water. ≫ Slowed down Iceskimo’s power drainage from magic. ≫ More effects added to elemental attacks for Alien Hominid, Demon and Iceskimo! ≫ If your character dies, your Animal Orbs can no longer fight without you. ≫ Fixed floating characters in Beefy Arena when grabbed. ≫ Sandwiches can now be picked up after Volcano Boss fight. The Pink Knight was born out of the Xbox LIVE Arcade community. The Pink Knight was a myth when Castle Crashers released and the fans believed in it so much that myth became reality ? a completely FREE reality available now for your own personal realities.
With each of the first 50,000 downloads of the Pink Knight we are donating $1.00 to the Keep A Breast Foundation to raise breast cancer detection and prevention awareness.