32 :名無しさん@ゴーゴーゴ-ゴー!:2008/05/18(日) 23:39:19 ID:4NY5fywi0
This is *** from Japan.
I'd like to point out that a specific blog in roodo.com
is imparing copyright of true author's copyright.
original blog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tokyokitty_seed_destiny/ blog committing plagiarism
http://blog.roodo.com/tokyokittyseedestiny The auther of "tokyokittyseedestiny" was once warned by
Japanese blog provider and his blog was finally removed.
For he couldn't make a blog like this in Japan anymore,
now he is updating it in Taiwan.
I'm claiming immediately to remove the blog "tokyokittyseedestiny"
from roodo.com on the grounds that it has following problems.
1) Headline of his blog includes a personal data of other one.
> 遠ыP寿 松戸新田408
This is the name and the contact of the true auther.
He don't allow anyone to post it on internet, opening to the public.
Because of this spreading personal data, the true author sometimes
can't but call police for strangers coming to his house,
picures of his house taken and updated on internet and the rest.