【大沢たかを】深夜特急【NO HURRY NO WORRY】

Axis Residential Treatment’s goal is permanent sobriety.
Our Los Angeles drug and alcohol rehab center provides the most compassionate and individualized
drug and alcohol treatment and rehabilitation services available.
Our highly-qualified staff of medical doctors has dedicated themselves to freeing
our clients of their chemical dependence and finding the solution that best suits their needs and
lifestyle to help them fully recover. The innovative recovery treatments and programs we use
in our California drug rehab facility are effective and compassionate.
Because of this we have built a strong reputation for providing the best alcohol and drug rehab in California.
The team of Axis Residential Treatment is composed of caring individuals who are focused and have well
over 100 years of combined experience and education.
We advise entrepreneurs and businesspeople who frequently require legal counsel,
but whose enterprises are not large enough to have in-house attorneys.
We have assisted clients worldwide through contract negotiations and business-related dispute resolution.