"小塚はしっかりとした演技をした。公平な世界なら彼が五輪へ行っていただろう。 公正さと善良さはフィギュアスケートというスポーツの中であったことがない。" Takahiko Kozuka performed solidly this weekend. In a fair world, he would be returning to the Olympic Games. Fairness and goodness have never had any place in the sport of figure skating.
"ある選手は点数を抑えられた、そう織田信成が。彼のショートは完璧ではなかった、 しかしジャッジは高橋よりもっと厳しい採点をした。" One skater who appeared to be judged rather conservatively was Nobunari Oda. Though he had an imperfect short program, the judges were far less forgiving than they were with Daisuke Takahashi.
"NHK杯ショートで織田の四回転が回転不足をとられるということを目の当たりにすれば、 日本スケート連盟が織田をさげるためにいくつもの作戦を用意していたことがわかる。" Those with experience in witnessing political maneuvering point to Oda’s quad being called underrotated in the short program at the NHK Trophy as an indication that the Japanese Skating Federation has had plans to dump him for some time.