大野ヲタの地雷を踏んだ質問と回答 (1)RT @Asma2dream: @TheJaQuelKnight What's your impression when you worked with them especially the leader? #AskJaQuel -- who's the leader? 質問:嵐のみんなの印象は?特にリーダーはどうだった? 回答:誰がリーダー?
(2)RT @Matsujunkie: *curious* Why did you often scold Satoshi? He is known as the best dancer in the group Why did you often scold Satoshi? He is known as the best dancer in the group. #AskJaquel -- who said that?! Lol 質問:どうして智のことを何度もしかったの?智はグループの中で一番ダンスが上手いのに? 回答 誰がそう言ったの?(笑)
(3)RT @Rainy_Memories: How did you decide on the order they stand? W Jun being the 1 in the middle #AskJaQuel - based off who singing the lead 質問:立ち位置はどうやって決めたの?途中でJunがトップに来てたけどなぜ? 回答:誰が主で歌ってるかによって決めた
(4)RT @transitions0101 Which member did you think best embodied the feel of the song and why? #AskJaquel - All were grt but I wud say Jun bc he was apart of where steps were actually placed. 質問:どのメンバーが歌の雰囲気を一番表現できてたの?理由も教えて。 みんな素晴らしかったよ。あえて言えばJunだな。理由は(振りが正確だったからor曲の雰囲気を捉えていたから) ※apart of を a part ofと捉えれば前・apart fromの間違いなら意訳で後ろ)