Please give me those songs!

if somebody has I love you and Oh my little girl by Yutaka Ozaki,
send me please.
I want them so much.
They are our memorial music in Japan that my boy friend liked!
Please give me those songs.
thank you.
2 ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   |/-O-O-ヽ| ブツブツ・・・
   | . : )'e'( : . |
   ` ‐-=-‐
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||. .\\          \    ( ;´Д`) (オイ、なんか変なのがいるぞ)
.    \\          \ /    ヽ.
.      \\         / .|   | |
.        \∧_∧   (⌒\|__./ ./
         ( ´,_・・`)目合わせるなって ∧_∧
.         _/   ヽ          \  (     ) うわー、こっち見てるよ