XXiS MY BLOODY BURROUGHS POEM CAVALLARO Beast in Me My lips to overlip your lips Candy in the shape of you Crimson Crow Dance naked, Under the moonlight IS THIS LOVE the end of eden ※すべて、『D'ERLANGER TOUR 2013 #Sixx』9/16 品川ステラボールのライブ音源となります。
SE:XXis* MY BLOODY BURROUGHS POEM* CAVALLARO* Beast in Me* My lips to overlip your lips* INCARNATION OF EROTICISM 月光 Crimson Crow* Candy in the shape of you* 13段目の陶酔 PUBLIC POISON#09 柘榴 Dance naked,Under the moonlight.* IS THIS LOVE*
<アンコール> Angelic Poetry the end of eden* *最新6thアルバム『#Sixx』収録曲