>>964 歌いだしのVerbal 「yes, it's my fault again. that, you have some type of phobia. yes it will be a very unbecoming sight, i hope you all came prepared, to hear this preferbial. truth, can't deny this then you'll be deceiving nobody but you, you've got some tyoe of phobia. that's the truth. can't be wrong, must be right. that's the truth.」
真中辺のRAP 「yo, infatically i shuffled with *(mortals?) of you and me, i mumbled two or three words the recollections of your shiet sarcasm, has invaded, only animated, unbecoming facial exprssions on everybody around you, that's why i evaded, your negativity parquetry to mimic me, yes i remember vividly, the way you've diagraced me publicly, are we friends or both? definitely not significant dependables, if i had sensibles, i've had it enough to hear now i'm turning the table. guess the case is prone my basic flow is quite simple, i make situations mathmatically visual. symmetically i display my vocal chords acrobatically sway, you have just witnessed a supernatural too, shay. you inequite this, yes you's inequite this, postdramatic stress disorder after a terrifying ordeal, care to fore seals, four corners, my sensitire attempt to run from this gave me the sore heels, below freezing temprature gave me the coldfeet...」
終わりの方の男の声 「you've got social-phobia... as you can tell from the significant anxiety, and discomfort related to fear of being embarassed, and it's going by all the social performances of situations some examples of situations that can trigger a social phobia public speaking, meeting people, and dealing with authority figures and eating in public, or using public restrooms and you've got social-phobia... as you can tell from the significant anxiety」