92 :80 ,,2000/09/24(日) 18:54,>>81さん 情報ありがとう! でも、うちんとこでは(岡山のシティFMだけど)、 Don't waste your time ! は言わなかったなぁ……。 『宇多田ヒカルでした〜』で終わっちゃった。 カットされたのかなぁ? 言ったら気がついたハズなんだけど。,:
93 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 ,,2000/09/24(日) 19:31,J-WAVEでは 「QueenのWe are the championsをおとどけしながらお別れになります。 宇多田ヒカルでした。85-59-84。それでは、またどっかでお会いしましょう。 Don't waste your time ! バイバ〜イ !」,:
172 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 ,sage,2000/09/30(土) 11:06,Boddy you're a young man hard man shoutin'in the street gonna take on the world some day you got blood on yo'face you big disgrace Wavin'your banner all over the place singin' we will we will rock you we will we will rock you ,:
- エリーMy Love (with Something Else) - ミシェル (with 高木ブー) - No Woman No Cry (ギター弾き語り) - I Won't Last A Day Without You (東芝EMIガールズ...椎名林檎+宇多田ヒカル) - For You (ライブバージョン in 代々木国際競技場),:
332 :名無しのエリー,,2000/11/05(日) 22:32,This is a Japanese artist that we started working with about six months ago named Hikaru Utada. She is the biggest selling artist in Japan right now. Her debut album did something around eight or nine million units@` just in Japan. ,:
334 :微妙に訳せない(苦笑),,2000/11/05(日) 22:35,Jimmy Jam: Yes. She sang the words "wait and see" – we understand that – and she sang the rest of it in Japanese. She speaks fluent English; she was born in New York@` I believe. Her mother had the album that stayed number one the longest in Japan or something like that@` so her family is very musical. We had a great time working with her. Eventually she'll do an English album I'm sure. ,:
Jimmy Jam:「ああ。彼女が歌ってる(サビの)"wait and see"って箇所は我々も解るね。で、 他の部分は日本語で歌ってる。彼女は流暢に英語を話す…確かNew York生まれだ。彼女の母親は 日本で長期に渡ってNo.1を維持したアルバムをリリースしているそうだし、(そういう事も含めて) 彼女の一家は非常に音楽に密接してる。彼女との仕事は非常に興味深いものだったよ。いつか、近い 将来きっと英語でもアルバムを作ってくるだろうね。」,:
Jimmy Jam: No@` we didn't. We got called to do a remix for that record and for some reason the business didn't come together. So@` then when she started working on her new project she called us. She is just doing singles because she is in school. She is about 17@` going to school@` so she does everything around school. She is trying to keep a normal life as much as she can. We did a song and we actually used ISDN lines and a whole bunch of stuff to send tracks back and forth. Then she came to Minneapolis and sang. The song was called "Addicted To You." It went number one in Japan and the single sold something like three million copies. ,:
She came back to do another song@` but this time she didn't actually come to us. She did the vocals there@` sent them to us@` and we built the track around the vocals. What I'm going to play will be her upcoming single; I wanted to bring something we were currently working on. You won't understand the lyrics except for a couple of them. I was sitting with a sheet of everything phonetically spelled out because I don't understand the Japanese. That was just so I'd know if a note was flat or sharp@` but we ended up doing no tuning on it. We just left it. They said@` "You can manipulate it if you want@`" but we didn't because we liked it like that. So@` this is a song called "Wait And See." Check it out. ,:
Rodney Jerkins: Were the lyrics in English@` too@` while you were reading it?
Jimmy Jam: No@` it was all phonetic. So when she said the Japanese@` I didn't know what she was saying. She would explain in broad terms what she was talking about. ,: