this board is english speakers only!

Let's talk english!!!!!!!!
2名盤さん:04/02/19 00:24 ID:BHE6duAf
3名盤さん:04/02/19 00:27 ID:qIvnrQ25
unko is best.
4名盤さん:04/02/19 00:33 ID:94kTcc4P

This Board Is 「FOR」 English Speakers Only!
5名盤さん:04/02/19 00:49 ID:v+pGAtwT
and, there is no one.
6(o^-^o):04/02/19 00:51 ID:S8/Kdbu7
I am warotaing !!
7(o^-^o):04/02/19 00:59 ID:S8/Kdbu7
藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁
藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁
藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁
藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁
藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁
藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁 藁
8名盤さん:04/02/19 01:03 ID:NdnpbuuK
You is big fool man.
9名盤さん:04/02/19 01:07 ID:o8qdTRBr
10名盤さん:04/02/19 01:10 ID:1/QKG+0o
u shut up
11名盤さん:04/02/19 01:21 ID:HvJBpiIs
sine fuck yaro!
12名盤さん:04/02/19 02:09 ID:lgsLexBX
Hey. C'mon. Calm down.

Anyway, why don't you try to make this thread go on using only English?
13名盤さん:04/02/19 02:24 ID:1/QKG+0o
hey what's up?
14名盤さん:04/02/19 02:26 ID:MjjewOFV
i'm too tied
15名盤さん:04/02/19 02:33 ID:hfEEe/pH
You mean "tired"?
Or you are playing S&M right now?
16名盤さん:04/02/19 02:41 ID:1/QKG+0o
17名盤さん:04/02/19 14:39 ID:UkGdWIhc
Hey YO!Sokonokasu Yayo!
What are you doing?
I'm angle.
18名盤さん:04/02/19 14:58 ID:igGR5fkX


You mean "angry"?
Or you are playing S&M right now?
19名盤さん:04/02/19 14:59 ID:QYOCiPdt
No, no...
>>17 must be an angel...

20名盤さん:04/02/19 15:04 ID:igGR5fkX

I mistook,sorry
21名盤さん:04/02/19 15:09 ID:1/QKG+0o
How many cds do u have,angel?
22名盤さん:04/02/19 15:23 ID:igGR5fkX
angel come back !!!
23名盤さん:04/02/19 15:38 ID:jp/Ecuea
Here comes Eurhythmics━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!
24名盤さん:04/02/19 15:39 ID:S8VG6X1K
This thread has just turned into the room which you can have fun with Angel.

25名盤さん:04/02/19 19:21 ID:8CY5uo/i
Can I get 25 ?
26(´_ゝ`) ◆5XPGLSfXwY :04/02/19 20:03 ID:c/tgHwjP
27名盤さん:04/02/19 20:09 ID:DGoxrI79
〜Secret Love〜
28名盤さん:04/02/19 20:13 ID:NdnpbuuK
no future
29名盤さん:04/02/19 20:15 ID:RNceo6WE
Um, uh, what are you saying ?
Is that Japanese ?
30名盤さん:04/02/19 20:15 ID:hlyAxxJd
31名盤さん:04/02/19 20:18 ID:1/QKG+0o
Like the angel
32名盤さん:04/02/19 22:53 ID:0BfQL9MG
Are you gonna be my girl?
33名盤さん:04/02/19 22:57 ID:2V+wsfpU
Are you askin' me or >>1 ?
34名盤さん:04/02/20 01:06 ID:4jd/EFIc
Hello boys!
I'm angle.
I'm playing baseball now.
35(o^-^o):04/02/20 01:25 ID:tUKjVS2H

Does MR.angel like sushi?
36名盤さん:04/02/20 01:42 ID:4jd/EFIc
Oh〜I'm fucking sorry.
I hate sushi. but I like ninja.
sunkus baby good question.
37(o^-^o):04/02/20 01:52 ID:tUKjVS2H

Why do you hate sushi?
38名盤さん:04/02/20 02:26 ID:XNtCEErn
39名盤さん:04/02/20 02:29 ID:BmASotYn
HEY YOU!! >>38


Do you hear me? Understand?
40名盤さん:04/02/20 02:32 ID:EF5cP9zx
Oi! Be calm, cool and collected. Hahaha.
41名盤さん:04/02/20 02:57 ID:XNtCEErn
If they can speak English,
many of them lose thier illusions about English music.
I think:-)
42名盤さん:04/02/20 03:06 ID:GrVzfqZS
              /  \―。
            (    /  \_
             /       /  ヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ...―/          _)  < Penis shu! shu! shu!
        ノ:::へ_ __    /      \_____
        |/-=o=-     \/_
       /::::::ヽ―ヽ -=o=-_(::::::::.ヽ
      |○/ 。  /:::::::::  (:::::::::::::)
      |::::人__人:::::○    ヽ/
      ヽ   __ \      /
       \  | .::::/.|       /
        \lヽ::::ノ丿      /
43名盤さん:04/02/20 03:18 ID:ijQWYH2e
that's cool
44名盤さん:04/02/20 03:27 ID:PYjWnuL1
Ohh, Me Caught! おめこおお!
45名盤さん:04/02/20 04:26 ID:zKO7xTT/
I agree with you 100%!! HAGE-DO!! :-)
46名盤さん:04/02/20 04:38 ID:rQcxYVua
This thread is gonna be EXCELLENT!

But I gotta go to bed for now.
Love you all. Have a nice sleep baby.
47名盤さん:04/02/20 04:55 ID:ijQWYH2e
I think ur hicky.
48名盤さん:04/02/20 09:56 ID:M39uYtlk
you too
49名盤さん:04/02/20 12:05 ID:3IAYJsRw
ohaYo! good morning
50名盤さん:04/02/20 12:53 ID:0oI8IwOM
51名盤さん:04/02/20 15:26 ID:WqCgwVpM
>>50 San.
Your post is garbled.
52Jenny:04/02/21 02:02 ID:ONdb2d2W
53名盤さん:04/02/21 02:26 ID:gPLIAYGq
Is that a thee michelle gun elepant's song, Jenny?
I think they were a pretty good band for a Japanese band.

BTW, what are you wearing right now, Jenny?
54名盤さん:04/02/21 02:34 ID:CL/jYsP5
Oh〜Yes〜Feel so good〜
Kill me Angle!
55名盤さん:04/02/21 02:38 ID:Nj36w1uP
jho is the worst performer that I've ever seen wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
She has NO ears!(lol
56名盤さん:04/02/21 15:09 ID:/Flp6aIe
Who is jho?
57名盤さん:04/02/21 18:01 ID:4K79xlIm
what are you all doing this weekend?
58名盤さん:04/02/21 18:08 ID:6v+wK3vF
Gonna Bang! Bang! Bang! all night long. He-he.

We gotta talk about MUSIC!
Or this thread must be deleted!!
59名盤さん:04/02/21 18:17 ID:n170Z+TR

( ・∀・)∩ ウンコビ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ム  >εε=ヽ( `Д´)ノ ウワァァァァン

( ・∀・) ニヤニヤ                      ≪ヽ( `Д´)ノ ≫ ビリビリ

ヽ( ・∀・)ノ ウンコー                      ヽ(・∀・ )ノ ウンコー
60名盤さん:04/02/21 18:19 ID:wVF+Z4IZ
Suck my dick as fast as bullet train runs
61名盤さん:04/02/21 18:22 ID:wVF+Z4IZ
                          .,/  _,/      .、、     ...、ヽ,,-、
                           .,,メ-‐'"       _"',|  .、、._,i.""│._、
                       ._,,,/`,イ―''      ,`",l゙、、,,ジ'"`.```.|゙゛
                    .,,,-,i´,―--―''"      、、,!冖'"`、_、,,,/'゚,,."゙l-‐''
       _,,,,,,,,,,,,,、    _,,,,,--''"`'",/゙            、、.',j/′.、,,∠''"` .'_ヽ.',゙l.._,,、
    ,,-'"゙`    `゙゙''lーイ"`     .‐′    _,..,,/ .ヽ、,i,i´ ``゙’   、、シ":"'.「
  .,,i´         `'i、\ ゙!,      ._,-'"ン'` 、、`_,/`,i´ _,___,ニ='" .'゙、゙".゙l,,-'`
 .,/′          `'i,\ ′  .,,,,-',,,,、.,i´、_:_'_v`"゙i、|   ```` `  、_,Jィ""゙l, _,,,,、
: ,i´             ゙l. ヽ丶  .r‐'"、.l゙、、:,p=l┴丶 .!,,!  `'"''''''冖''?'''゙~."""'."'/゛ `
: |,,r                ゙l, 、 i、、、、:,,_,xl!ヴi,、      、、っ,,,,    、`',,,,、`、`、|、
  |、            、"| .i、 lrr-''"゙,,ハ;、-'"゙゙'''''''"丶ヽ.,,冫``~`"`"~"``` `/ `''''
  `''r,,、 、 、、 .、丶、.``ヽ,レ"°  `` .j゚'=∠、````,,,,,∠ ~'ヽ```````、_,r‐'ヘi、
    `゙'ーi,,_、、、、、: :._,,,r〃       "  /^゚"'广  ,/  .,/゙゙゙'''ヶ―''''″   `
       `゙^""""''"'"                `   ′  ′  ."   
62名盤さん:04/02/21 18:26 ID:kbFMZdbO
I forgot that yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the Rhode Island night club fire.

May the injured continue to heal.
May those who perished rest in peace.
63名盤さん:04/02/21 21:25 ID:qlxvPzIz
64名盤さん:04/02/22 19:15 ID:frps7jQ9
↑Are you full of crap?
65名盤さん:04/02/22 19:25 ID:jlto2GTR
die you all. (itte-yoshi)
66名盤さん:04/02/22 19:54 ID:gW+YHGCd
How about this?

"You should be dead and gone. Itte-yoshi!!"
67名盤さん:04/02/22 20:14 ID:hpT2EDIR
Suck my dick,big fuckin assholes.
68名盤さん:04/02/22 22:05 ID:yj0GeVMG
Yes, I am.
69名盤さん:04/02/22 22:25 ID:DdVFLDEP
You should be dead and gone. Itte-yoshi!!"
70名盤さん:04/02/22 22:45 ID:2bpWcD8o
You may say!
71名盤さん:04/02/23 02:02 ID:fAJ1/we/
fuckin' right!!
72和久井伸晃:04/02/23 02:04 ID:95sKzMCo
73永田イズム:04/02/23 02:06 ID:swFuFdci
No NY.
No London.
Punk is LIV.
74名盤さん:04/02/23 02:09 ID:8+BxKO+U
Oh, LIV is fuckin' POSER!!
75名盤さん:04/02/23 03:22 ID:dAYHi1XD
what should we talk about on this thread?
or f*ckin' sh*t stuff?
76名盤さん:04/02/23 06:33 ID:m3oL+suI
U2 (omaemona-)
77名盤さん:04/02/23 20:11 ID:fAJ1/we/
about favourite bands.
78名盤さん:04/02/23 20:17 ID:Yv9WNkY1
79名盤さん:04/02/24 00:27 ID:/fZ1NUam
my favorite bands are ... like ... "CHUBO"
80名盤さん:04/02/24 12:52 ID:tzvIBkN3
"Chubo" music. Hmm, interesting.

Can you be more specific?
Please give us some names.
81名盤さん:04/02/24 13:58 ID:Uwyam/Je
82名盤さん:04/02/24 21:16 ID:Pt0vIQU4
83名盤さん:04/02/24 21:21 ID:/fZ1NUam
o-kei...well...i like to listen to linkin park, sum41, the offspring, and so on.
i don't care if someone call me "CHUBO!!!", because it's true that i like them.
but now, i don't know why i'm obsessed with matchbox twenty...

how about you?
8483:04/02/24 21:24 ID:/fZ1NUam
i made a grammatical mistake.
"someone call" → "someone calls"
85名盤さん:04/02/26 03:09 ID:y3FQ9OA4
Are you moron?haha-
86名盤さん:04/02/28 22:49 ID:4rxEHUyb

Well... yeah... maybe you are...
87名盤さん:04/02/28 23:01 ID:ZOwW9eoX

88名盤さん:04/02/28 23:12 ID:7bFFxAvx
What to say cannot be said.
In such a world.

89名盤さん:04/03/01 20:22 ID:TgnOIUpW
be carefulu!
90名盤さん:04/03/01 21:06 ID:aT6JwvjK
Watch out!! O-cha!!
91名盤さん:04/03/04 01:19 ID:QcaPC9Mr
Monday night!!
Mondai nai!!
No Problem!!
92名盤さん:04/03/04 02:01 ID:+cXmmeZY
93名盤さん:04/03/04 02:07 ID:RHi++Tmf
No, you can't.
94名盤さん:04/03/04 18:51 ID:BMKckojv
The one who survives is the one who has the will to survive.
95名盤さん:04/03/05 01:20 ID:ElUcnVlO
Fuck You Man!!!!
96名盤さん:04/03/05 01:27 ID:YA4K06co
i've had a terrible day.Everything went wrong.
97名盤さん:04/03/05 01:28 ID:ElUcnVlO
98名盤さん:04/03/05 03:39 ID:oN6aBvEc
First of all,this boad is *for* English speakers only,right?
Think twice before speaking
99名盤さん:04/03/06 01:07 ID:LBTUsqs/
Hey guys, may I join in?

I usually listen to Post-rock, techo, house, jazz-house, some underground hip hop and almost
anything but punk and country music.
I am living in the country side of the USA, where cowboys and country music rule.
Everytime I hear it, it makes my ears corrupted. There is no clubs which play nice club music.
I and my friend from Eastern Europe are always complaining about our situation.
Damn, I must get the hell out from here!!
100名盤さん:04/03/06 06:35 ID:LBTUsqs/
Come on, say something man.
101名盤さん:04/03/07 03:42 ID:GzfUDzbP
Sounds like you have been getting bored of living such
a place there in the States?You know what,there are some
nice rock cities in the country,so why not get out of
hell and move to other city?Get your ass move!
10299:04/03/08 05:20 ID:T1CbMu19
I would like to move out but it seems hard, since I would lose my credits I earned in my college.
My graudation can be postponed. Additionally, (and this is the biggest reason) I got know many friends here.
I don't like to be separated from my significant people.

Anyway I will graduate this summer, and I am leaving to Seattle tomorrow for spring break. I will have a good time over there.
103名盤さん:04/03/08 06:05 ID:GBMBSh+0

F u c k m9(・∀・) y o u ! !

104名盤さん:04/03/08 23:27 ID:TSyiPXjW
son 尾f亜びtch!
105名盤さん:04/03/12 23:44 ID:PXblsH09
106名盤さん:04/03/12 23:47 ID:HkdQGly5
107名盤さん:04/03/14 12:23 ID:9xI+0As6
Tinko!!Tinko!!Fuck you!
the best of unko theyer
poteto is a pen
i am a father
good bye unko
108名盤さん:04/03/14 12:35 ID:SIsq/MkD
an apple
109名盤さん:04/03/14 12:41 ID:wfT/SAiA
76 名前:ホイミン ◆pH0CLR/WHs 投稿日:2004/03/11(木) 21:27 ID:7Fsda0yH
110名盤さん:04/03/16 14:34 ID:6uwByWwI
Fuck Hoimin!!
111名盤さん:04/03/18 22:13 ID:RuKftxu8
I agree with you 100%!!
112名盤さん:04/03/18 22:13 ID:HRNcm4xn
Die, you bastard!
113名盤さん:04/03/21 03:27 ID:SXKSxOwm
Fuck Hoimin!!
114名盤さん:04/03/22 23:27 ID:frps7jQ9
Fuck Hoimin!!
115名盤さん:04/03/22 23:39 ID:frps7jQ9
Fuck Hoimin!!
116名盤さん:04/03/23 00:08 ID:fAJ1/we/
Fuck Hoimin!!
117stan:04/03/23 08:21 ID:A+GsHPQR
Dear >>1, I wrote but you still ain't callin
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
But anyways; fuck it, what's been up? man how's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I’m bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what i'ma call her?
I’ma name her bonnie
I read about your uncle ronnie too I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did with skam
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man
I like the shit you did with rawkus too, that shit was fat
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan,
This is stan.
Dear >>1, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance
I ain't mad - I just think it's FUCKED UP you don't answer fans
If you didn't wanna talk to me outside your concert
you didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew
That's my little brother man, he's only six years old
We waited in the blistering cold for you,
Four hours and you just said, "No."
That's pretty shitty man - you're like his fuckin idol
He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do
I ain't that mad though, I just don't like bein lied to
Remember when we met in Saitama - you said if I'd write you
you would write back - see I'm just like you in a way
I never knew my father neither;
He used to always cheat on my mom and beat her
I can relate to what you're saying in your songs
so when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on
cause I don't really got shit else so that shit helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest
Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds
It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
See everything you say is real, and I respect you cause you tell it
My girlfriend's jealous cause I talk about you 24/7
But she don't know you like I know you >>1, no one does
She don't know what it was like for people like us growin up
You gotta call me man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose
Sincerely yours, Stan
-- P.S.We should be together too