>>978 第1期……フェンダーローズが心地いいジャズ寄り(元々そうだが)作品。アイアート&フローラ・プリムでブラジル色もちょっとあり。 2枚あるが、どちらもよい。2ndはできれば98年に出た2枚組の「完全盤」とあるものを買うこと。 RETURN TO FOREVER(1972) LIGHT AS A FEATHER(1973) 第2期……ギターを含むカルテット編成でロック色強し。この頃から全編でムーグがうなり始める。 これまたどれもよいが、1枚選ぶなら完成度の高い「浪漫の騎士」がよいか。変拍子もあるし。 HYMN OF THE SEVENTH GALAXY(第7銀河の賛歌)(1973) Where have I known you before(銀河の輝映)(1974) NO MYSTERY(1975) ROMANTIC WARRIOR(浪漫の騎士)(1976) 第3期……ブラスセクションを含む大所帯に。ややポップ目で一部ボーカルあり。 これはこれで結構いい。ライブはCD3枚組(LPは4枚組)の分厚さ。シリアスジャズもあり。 MUSIC MAGIC(1977) LIVE THE COMPLETE CONCERT(1978)
363 :名無し音楽放浪の旅 :03/09/21 14:26 ID:ds87JaKK On July 15th, Mr. Robert Fripp, taking his vacation with one of his girl friends, happen to see great some legendary Bossa Nova musician at the Festival Umbria Jazz 2003 in Perugia, Italy. Though he had no ticket to enter into the venue at all, he could magically manage to slip onto the first row and enjoyed the Bossa Nova. Mr. Fripp was very deeply astonished and overwhelmed with the play of the Brazilian, Mr. Joao Gilberto. Then it was revealed to and struck Mr. Fripp that he should work to create Bossa Nova album with his famous Frippertronics and his voice as well, and that the two titles of the albums were also divined as "!Fripper Bossa!" and "Bob meets Joao", though it sounds like banal somehow. These two albums might be released in around August next year, heavily depending on R&D of the Digital_Frippertronics as well as on his voice training. He went to the live concert alone on the consecutive 16th and 17th of July, with the tickets officially bought, to study Mr. Gilberto's elaborate guitar playing in every detail. What follows is Mr. Fripp's official short comments on his Bossa Nova albums: "It is just now revealed the reason why I had created the musical unit known as the King Crimson on the December 2nd, 1968 was nothing but the establishment of the discipline device in order for playing Bossa Nova in the future. This is the brand-new Truth of the Universe, which I could never reached by the strict Gurdjieffian Work or other methods I have tried ever. I am hoping that my Bossa Nova vocal will entertain all of my audience." Source: http://www.robertfripp.com