☆☆☆☆ ビョーク(Bjork) PART12 ☆☆☆☆ 952 :
名盤さん :01/12/28 11:33 ID:DI+AO91u
on the other hand ,if the rocket
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:35 ID:DI+AO91u
has more tha critical speed<about seven miles per second
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:36 ID:DI+AO91u
They don't make it
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:37 ID:DI+AO91u
i am still here
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:38 ID:DI+AO91u
new york city
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:39 ID:DI+AO91u
...has always been heavily involved in the making
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:39 ID:8gYJla9q
∧__∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ゚ρ゚)< あうあうあー (つ つ \_______ | っ| (__)_)
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:42 ID:DI+AO91u
the title refers to music business
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:43 ID:DI+AO91u
childhood extended even longer
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:43 ID:wGkZTa/W
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:44 ID:DI+AO91u
using analogies with televisionnnn or with drugs,the popular debate about
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:46 ID:wGkZTa/W
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:46 ID:DI+AO91u
those who fear video gamesssssssss often compare them to television
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:49 ID:DI+AO91u
right back,back to that cottage again,and i feel her arms a-huggin' me
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:51 ID:DI+AO91u
well,the old love letters,well ,i just can't keep themmmm
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:56 ID:DI+AO91u
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名盤さん :01/12/28 11:58 ID:DI+AO91u
we rolled right past
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:00 ID:DI+AO91u
my heart just skipped a beat
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:01 ID:DI+AO91u
we just come from such different sets of circumstance
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:03 ID:DI+AO91u
someone's gonna hurt you like you hurt me
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:05 ID:DI+AO91u
Thu 4:40pm ET Stocks gained on Thursday,
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:08 ID:DI+AO91u
The Astronomy 2002 handbook is now available. A slightly different format this year with the Constellation of the Month replaced with other t opics (Variable stars, comets of interest etc) The handbook also has several pages on the December 2002 Total Solar Eclipse near Ceduna, South Australia.
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:11 ID:DI+AO91u
Virgil Caine is the name
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:12 ID:DI+AO91u
we saw farmhouse burning down
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:12 ID:DI+AO91u
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:15 ID:DI+AO91u
I walk 47miles of barbed wire use a cobra snake for a necktie
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:20 ID:DI+AO91u
since Japanese is really too hard to learn to write
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:23 ID:DI+AO91u
crazy chester followed me
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:24 ID:DI+AO91u
may your hands always busy
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:25 ID:DI+AO91u
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:32 ID:DI+AO91u
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:33 ID:DI+AO91u
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:34 ID:DI+AO91u
it makes no difference where i turn
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:35 ID:DI+AO91u
i can't get over and the flame still burns
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:38 ID:DI+AO91u
win this issue however a short travel story from spain gives you a foretaste of what to expect
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:39 ID:DI+AO91u
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:41 ID:DI+AO91u
when i get off of this mountain
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:43 ID:8gYJla9q
人 (__) \(__)/ ウンコー! ( ・∀・ )
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:44 ID:DI+AO91u
there is a town in north ontario,it's dream,comfort,memory,desapair
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:46 ID:DI+AO91u
and inmy mind I still need a place to go
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:52 ID:DI+AO91u
all my changes were there
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:54 ID:DI+AO91u
now when I was young boy at the age of five
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:55 ID:DI+AO91u
my mother said i am gonna be the greatest man alive
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:01/12/28 12:55 ID:6w3EO5lM
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:56 ID:DI+AO91u
but,now i am a man way past twenty-one
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:56 ID:udHBdok/
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:57 ID:DI+AO91u
and would you believe woman,i have lots of fun
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:57 ID:DI+AO91u
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名盤さん :01/12/28 12:58 ID:2jW9kjGq
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