I am horrified to learn the way Korean Chonbuk supporters behaved toward Cerezo Osaka in Jeonju stadium (Korea) at the AFL match on September 27.
They have brought in a banner congratulating the 311 Japan Earthquake. Unfortunately your system does not allow the inclusion of web news URLs or pictures when contacting via this form, but the picture taken by Japanese media clearly shows "We congratulate the big Earthquake recently occurred in Japan on your behalf" in Japanese. The picture shows that a part of the sentence "we congratulate" was written in red: red being the colour for bad omen, insult, and curse in Korean culture. I heard some excuses that the concerned Koreans made a mistake in translating into Japanese and their original intent was to condolences to Japan.
As the traditional usage of red in Korea suggest their evil or malicious intent, and the fact that they used Chinese character when writing "congratulate" also fortifies my suspicion that their intention in making the banner was nothing but malignant from the start. Korea was under Chinese rule more than 1000years and Chinese education was norm among the educated during the period, it is difficult to imagine the long established knowledge of Chinese writing (and as simple as the letter "congratulate", which is frequently used even nowadays) they mistook the letter "congratulate" for "sending condolence".
I find this horrible act by the Korean supporters and their scattering staple' needles on the allocated practice ground for Cerezo Osaka before the match very condescending, and unjust. The fact that Korean promotor and sponsors did not take prevention measures against this type of horrible acts before actually happening may suggest they are segregationists, and they insult and laugh at the recent Japan Earthquake overtly.
As a Japanese, as well as a person who experienced the 311 Japan Earthquake, I will demand FIFA to take appropriate course of actions upon Chonbuk football team and its supporters. If FIFA will not act immediately and severely on this issue, I assume FIFA is also a segregationist, and you heartlessly laugh at the people who are still having difficulties in overcoming the 311 Japan Earthquake.
Dentsu and the special privilege group stop the inclination news further! A Japanese is not interested in Korea! Do not hide that the Democratic Party contributed 200 million yen to North Korea!