
847拡散英文2 (554奥)その1
To whom have concern about immigrant problems around the world,

I'm writing about the crisis occurring now in Japan and need your help

Today the number of foreign stockholders of 2 major TV stations in Japan exceeds 20% of total,
which is prohibited by law.
Many of them are from Korea and urges TV stations to broadcast Korean contents such as K-pop,
Korean drama, etc. in Japan.
(It is said Korean government has spent a lot of money to promote exporting its culture all over the world.)
These contents are treated as if they are in the midst of a nationwide boom and broadcasted from morning to night literally,
instead of Japanese contents.

Do you think this present situation is fair?
We Japanese simply want to watch our loved Japanese animation, music, drama and other contents.
However, today we cannot even criticize these TV stations and pressure from Korea.
Recently Japanese famous actor tweeted his discontents towards them, and on next day he was fired from his agency.

We see this situation as a crisis and wish it to be spread inside and outside Japan.
Over 400000 comments are already posted on the largest BBS in Japan and above brave actor's Twitter
account has got 110000 new followers since he tweeted his criticism.

Please share this message to your family, friends and reliable media in your country.Again, we need your kindness!
