Chat in English @既女板


Let's get to talk in English.
It's no matter that you are good at English or not :-)

2可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 17:05:42 ID:lE71kTzr0 BE:1099985292-2BP(100)
Hey!my name is yamasita! nice to me to you !
3可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 17:17:02 ID:1NlIeg+t0
Die Fahne hoch ! Die Reihen dicht geschlossen !
S.A. marschiert mit !
Ruhig festen Schritt. Kameraden, die Rot-Front und Reaktion er schossen,
marschiern im Geist in unsereun Reihen mit !
4可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 17:19:32 ID:VKuax9DE0
Good day madam :)
I have no plan today....
My husband went to outside for a while ago.
He probably went to a barber.

What do you doing today
5可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 17:24:00 ID:VKuax9DE0
Is this German or something?
It likes you use German!

I don't know German at all though hehe
6可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 17:48:17 ID:4BdqhJD50
What are you going to do this year?
I am going to study English.
7sage:2011/01/09(日) 17:57:39 ID:j0klgAhd0
I am a pen.
8可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 18:13:22 ID:KRCUEWJS0
You waros me.
9可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 18:18:11 ID:6b/w4VFf0
I like this thread very much
Otsu >1
10可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 18:18:54 ID:ckgnXC840
Kind of chilly out today?
11可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 18:30:05 ID:6z5ut6gV0
Hi all
I'm not good at English so if I made obivous mistake please please let me know
It will be a good study for me!
12可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 19:01:25 ID:ju+rYIUq0

I HAVEed A dinner
13可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 19:05:24 ID:v27nFkv40
I say Nullpo.
14可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 19:42:02 ID:LDj9jfWW0
Hi all!
Have you already watched 'gossip girl'?
Recently I'm so into it!
15可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 20:17:49 ID:Hv/QzbR60
16可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 20:53:16 ID:VKuax9DE0
Glad you guys are enjoying in this thread.

I've studied English for a year but had not opportunity to write in.
That's why I'm looking forward to chatting with madam :)
17可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 20:57:54 ID:NWP2Zjut0
Wie heisst das Lied?
Ich esse Scheisse gern. XD
18可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 21:12:46 ID:VKuax9DE0
I checked what the gossip girl is.
Oh it's kind of ビバリーヒルズ青春白書.
I like it so can enjoy gossip girl.

Thank you for letting me know.
If you guys are interested in American TV show,
I recommend "Weeds". you can watch in NICONICO.
19可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 21:46:25 ID:Hv/QzbR60
my english is really cheap.
because my english skill = 通信簿の10段階で4
i studied english by netgame.
im BIG Otaku.
come on everyone.

I want meet you I want meet you Yeaaaah!!! by akb48

20可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 21:56:10 ID:/KOWrShp0
I want to chatting you
but I have no Englishu vocabulary and grammar
so I’m going to study English
21可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 22:00:53 ID:Hv/QzbR60
welcome our Otaku chat
22可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 22:23:25 ID:16u7YXbzP
How many books do you have?
We play baseball every Sunday.
We have a lot of earthache in Japan.
23可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 23:09:51 ID:ckgnXC840
Chase Crawford, looked so cute in the drama but I don't like the character he played.

Don't mind grammatical error!
24可愛い奥様:2011/01/09(日) 23:15:52 ID:bbvhX2yB0
Are you bakanano? Do you shinuno?
25可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 00:25:51 ID:HLJUefqC0
That is that! this is this!!
26可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 01:09:52 ID:HLJUefqC0
I lost your CD.
I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
Don't worry.
I also lost your CD player.
Is this an airplane or helicopter?
This is a watch.
27可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 01:21:53 ID:GNWiQno90
I can bet this Casio-mini.
28可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 01:29:15 ID:8/EMQnju0
I gotta go to bed
29可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 01:31:24 ID:HLJUefqC0
Next shiva is green.
30可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 01:51:42 ID:P/xtQ2Li0
I gushed out green tea.
31可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 02:45:16 ID:HLJUefqC0
32可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 12:25:52 ID:w0cun+QN0
Oh, I'm going wktk now.
33可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 14:13:14 ID:h+Ofcf8R0
Urushihara Otu
go back your thread
34可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 14:23:30 ID:pF+d35Dy0
I've just got up now. Morning madams!
35可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 14:48:41 ID:1vALRcwF0
me to.but i do not regret.

my daling is sleeping about 15hours.
i going to wktk!
36可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 15:03:32 ID:h+Ofcf8R0
Stop the wktk time everyone !
take a break.

つ rise ball

    \  オニギリワッチョイ!    /  +
      \  オニギリワッチョイ! /
   +                  +
       /■ヽ  /■ヽ  / ■ヽ
    (( ∩,,・д) (,,・∀・) (д・,,∩ ))
  +    ヽ ⊂ノ (⊃ つ (⊃ 丿    +
       (__(__) (__ノ__ノ  (__)し'  +
37可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 15:27:14 ID:SNKka35Z0
I'm gonna eat you up!! Hehe
38可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 15:57:28 ID:wpzYdlHb0
Me too...Nobody in my home.
39可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 16:14:17 ID:HLJUefqC0
Dat done bow your... your own, bow your... your own.
40可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 16:39:00 ID:2RdHA6950
I got imifu.
41可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 17:49:20 ID:OVAjM+CJ0
I know,that is pip's CM.
42可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 19:18:26 ID:uuP/MWYi0
Wow, You guy's so cool.
I'm exciting that one.
anyway, I have 2 bed, must be very busy day tomorrow...
43可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 22:56:32 ID:oyuSTI2j0
DQN said me ggrks.
44可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 23:08:08 ID:gO1bc64f0
I want to sleep
Oh! Seven past twenty-three
45可愛い奥様:2011/01/10(月) 23:45:58 ID:h+Ofcf8R0
i think so too :D
46可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 00:03:22 ID:skbK072h0
i finally found this thread
i had been searching with title typed in Japanese
47可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 01:47:33 ID:hiI73N+10
Welcome to this thread
48可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 13:09:15 ID:0WcAskCS0
I didnt correctly write the title.
so sorry
49可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 15:18:54 ID:nxGkWjyQ0
What are you talking about?
50可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 15:40:24 ID:0WcAskCS0
51可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 15:42:48 ID:nxGkWjyQ0
Oh,I got it! Thanks :)
52可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 15:50:35 ID:gIHuop6p0
You're an old woman! Hahaha!
53可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 18:42:58 ID:nxGkWjyQ0
Keeping up
54可愛い奥様:2011/01/11(火) 20:54:40 ID:9vweNO1U0
55可愛い奥様:2011/01/12(水) 01:39:31 ID:QbU+/o2r0
We are only human.  by Mitsuo Aida
56可愛い奥様:2011/01/12(水) 10:56:20 ID:GQxSPxys0
The phrase reminds me of the Billy Joel song
57可愛い奥様:2011/01/12(水) 13:33:23 ID:TIqRE1Dc0
Hey, You got toshibare...
58可愛い奥様:2011/01/12(水) 15:27:58 ID:rTpjwgrz0
Anybody watching Orange days? (Kansai area)
It makes me want to go back to college life!

59可愛い奥様:2011/01/13(木) 01:34:43 ID:mNYOOs0A0
sorry for late reply
i realized today the drama was showing again
really wanna go back to my younger days
so many things i wanted to do and i shouldn't have done...
60可愛い奥様:2011/01/15(土) 02:02:11 ID:ev34mQ7I0
If I knew how to hibernate, I'd do it!

61可愛い奥様:2011/01/15(土) 07:20:06 ID:YoZ2Sja20
god morning!
have a nice day!
62可愛い奥様:2011/01/15(土) 11:51:16 ID:+RnJS9RN0
Mr.Wicky otsu
63可愛い奥様:2011/01/15(土) 11:57:28 ID:uq+V1fIF0
Good morning!

Here must be married women's boards..

Why is there a old man " OSSAN"who political act??

Are they free??
Do they die??
64可愛い奥様:2011/01/15(土) 12:05:02 ID:uq+V1fIF0
I'll watch DVD at home today.
" Lie to me " is very interesting!
65可愛い奥様:2011/01/15(土) 16:27:11 ID:UDQsD8vO0
too cold to go out
but gotta go shopping for dinner
66可愛い奥様:2011/01/19(水) 22:32:37 ID:qMOcWQWy0
It seems like there are very few people interested in this thread.
Is there anyone here?
67可愛い奥様:2011/01/20(木) 09:07:11 ID:mwtsWlg60
lω・) <here
68可愛い奥様:2011/01/20(木) 13:39:42 ID:Ajq0YuWn0
I guess...
'cause there's no interesting topic X(
69可愛い奥様:2011/01/20(木) 17:51:57 ID:mwtsWlg60
There's nothiing to talk about.....
70可愛い奥様:2011/01/21(金) 00:40:32 ID:9K0suUpF0
That's true...
Is there any interesting topics?
such as cooking (recipes), shopping, or movies... anything.
I can't come up with anything though.
71可愛い奥様:2011/01/22(土) 00:57:35 ID:TGYGzhLe0

I went to farewell party for same branch member
72可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 05:16:37 ID:VqCob1q70
Doesn't really matter what we should talk about.
Join to talk whatever you want :)

How's going that?
I don't want to go to party with co-workers..If possible.
I'm an ordinaly part time worker
Haven't much money to join><

Hah..I must go to office tomorrow precisly.
but I can't sleep.
73可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 12:11:17 ID:e9wQeMqp0
 Can't you sleep ? You have plenty of company.
74可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 12:16:42 ID:APRxdKnV0
75可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 12:26:07 ID:gGqfYgzC0
Do you really know about chat? ;P
76可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 12:52:38 ID:uI+VbjX10

You don't even know English, haha
77可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 13:34:46 ID:APRxdKnV0
78可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 13:56:43 ID:buNMeM540
Ueberpruefen Sie bitte auch meine Grammatik.
79可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 15:09:40 ID:AzNgN2p/0
Moscow bombing!
80可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 16:24:39 ID:hvFafPrw0
Yeah,it's scary
81可愛い奥様:2011/01/25(火) 18:17:57 ID:uWAVexYe0
You ara surechi.
82可愛い奥様:2011/01/27(木) 15:20:50 ID:v5dWEInh0
Let's get to talk in English.
It's no matter that you are good at English or not :-)
83可愛い奥様:2011/01/27(木) 16:00:43 ID:jBiF/gZQ0
so sleepy(-.-)
I finished making dinner.
Today is NIMONO@daikon and pork.
84可愛い奥様:2011/01/27(木) 18:42:22 ID:EO7DVjOp0
Tonight I'm alone so I cooked sauteed vegetables for me.
Very simple...haha
85可愛い奥様:2011/01/27(木) 21:44:33 ID:QA8a9saX0
That's a lot of work and worth respect ;-)
I even gave up cooking itself... X(
My husband texted he'll be late tonight and i had UDON on my way from work
I love sweet yam and squash tempura!
86可愛い奥様:2011/01/28(金) 09:59:02 ID:5l/DLv6/0
I like Udon too, often go to Marugame seimen.
Someday I'd like to go to Shikoku to have udon tour :-D
87可愛い奥様:2011/01/28(金) 19:21:45 ID:QoY6BHPo0
I went for a day trip to Kagawa with my husband for udon this summer.
I really liked "Oka-sen" cold bukkake with tempura. YUMMY! :-)
88可愛い奥様:2011/01/29(土) 16:02:10 ID:B0RHNLc30
The sound like to yummy!!!
I'd like to have a hot noodle...!!!
89可愛い奥様:2011/01/29(土) 18:25:39 ID:kDmiIgEY0
Hey you guys make me hungry..............
90可愛い奥様:2011/01/30(日) 12:36:39 ID:DEYnnDjc0
I'm hungry...
I will have a lunch.
91可愛い奥様:2011/01/31(月) 02:06:49 ID:0Y94fV2R0
damn it, ,i've forgotten english
92可愛い奥様:2011/01/31(月) 17:15:10 ID:1B8c6HMg0
i agree
my english sucks after only a few months since i stop using it
93可愛い奥様:2011/01/31(月) 18:34:13 ID:0A7io8fb0
Why stopped?
94可愛い奥様:2011/02/01(火) 02:34:13 ID:SviBKIsK0
i quit the job because of the marriage (i had to move)
i used to with some people from other countries and needed to speak english anyways
95可愛い奥様:2011/02/01(火) 03:09:27 ID:D6EuB0XN0
speaking english is so hard for me,
because i am not good at talking anyway, even in japanese
"nothing," "i don't know," and "just because" are my favorite words,
and these are my hissatsu waza.
96可愛い奥様:2011/02/01(火) 08:55:08 ID:h7YL7PFP0
Oh congrats and welcome to this MW board :)
97可愛い奥様:2011/02/01(火) 14:41:11 ID:SviBKIsK0
me neither; i can't continue talking with others after a few minutes...
i have no idea how others can be so friendly to new people X(

thanks :)
98可愛い奥様:2011/02/06(日) 16:48:33 ID:tpnFFstp0
I have a question.
If I use Japanese-style-AA, do American (or other people) see them alright?
I don't mean if they understand or not, but if they are seen as we see.
99可愛い奥様:2011/02/07(月) 10:07:03 ID:Bmfw/Sm+0
I think most Japanese Ascii Arts can't be seen without installing Japanese fonts because
they are written in 2byte characters.
However,of course,if the AA is only written in 1byte charatcers,US people can see it.
This page(ttp:// has a lot of English AAs. Hope this helps.
100可愛い奥様:2011/02/07(月) 11:06:59 ID:c4jImx1O0
Thank you for sharing us an interesting page.
When I checked my hotmail message in the US using the computer of
my American friend's, I could see Japanese fonts(hiragana, kanji) alright.
I dont thinks she had her computer Japanese fonts installed. Hummmmmm.
101可愛い奥様:2011/02/12(土) 10:35:58 ID:hCgA7oZO0
Nobody here...
It's a chance to say "nulpo"
102可愛い奥様:2011/02/12(土) 12:00:17 ID:Lsf3t08T0
Let me say "ga!!!"
103可愛い奥様:2011/02/12(土) 20:42:37 ID:bmjSAi74O
May I raise it though it seems to fall.

104可愛い奥様:2011/02/12(土) 22:10:11 ID:gbpcnBO00
There's nothing to watch on TV tonight
All programs seem so stupid these days・・・
105可愛い奥様:2011/02/13(日) 00:12:39 ID:E879ajfB0
I totally agree.
Mu husband is out tonight, and I'm all the more bored.

The HDD rec is fuul of the videos my husband hasn't watched but I've seen them all...
I wanna erase them all!
106可愛い奥様:2011/02/13(日) 09:49:04 ID:+eF5yODm0
I rarely watch TV.
In my spare time,I usually read a novel or use internet.Sometimes play Nintendo DS :)
107可愛い奥様:2011/02/15(火) 15:52:26 ID:FDgYBVIX0
I'm going shopping to the supermarket
hope chocolates are on sale
108可愛い奥様:2011/02/15(火) 18:56:05 ID:nVWTKA5OO
So, did you get some?
109可愛い奥様:2011/02/17(木) 16:10:46 ID:ZyQA6loy0
I checked some supermarket, but not on sale yet.
maybe it needs another week or so.
I'll keep lookin for cheaper ones.
110可愛い奥様:2011/02/21(月) 00:08:51.42 ID:RqxDjUJg0
I think the state as it is the chocolate until the white day.
If I am also cheap, it buys it.
111可愛い奥様:2011/02/21(月) 08:41:44.69 ID:ZY5BkX/kO
Sorry, I don't understand what you tolking about.

Could you write more accurate English?
112可愛い奥様:2011/02/21(月) 11:48:26.77 ID:LQaFBPkz0
guess she wants to say that the price of chocolate
will be the same till white day and she will buy some if
the price will go down.

maybe, not sure though
113可愛い奥様:2011/02/23(水) 22:15:16.77 ID:M/dqE1lf0
It is early to fall.
Isn't there topic?

How About a story of the hottest news "EBI and MAO"?
How do you think about them?

114可愛い奥様:2011/02/23(水) 22:19:55.19 ID:M/dqE1lf0
I have made a mistake.

I'll raise this.

115可愛い奥様:2011/02/23(水) 23:59:11.15 ID:gq8KfTD+0
oh, Ebizo makes me MANPUKU. His topics are MIMITAKO...

I don't know why japanese media repeat and repeat his news.
116可愛い奥様:2011/02/24(木) 02:01:21.26 ID:jVRU0TJj0
I think the first one who ate an artichoke is a great person,
and he or she must have been so hungry and starving.
The way you eat the artichoke is so weird, and
it never looks yummy and doesn't look like food either.
BUT, the more I eat it, the more I like it.
117可愛い奥様:2011/02/24(木) 02:36:31.16 ID:jNJWBiLj0
thanks for your translating
Can any free translating service do such a bad job?
118可愛い奥様:2011/02/24(木) 03:29:51.35 ID:jVRU0TJj0
hope everyone in New Zealand is ok.
kainda taking a long time to rescue them, though

and I wonder what the bus driver had weeds and an car
accident in Utah has been doing. Is he in jail??
Same thing can be said of Erika.
I admit she is beautiful, but she's just nothing right now.
Doesn't belong to any office, shows up on TV for her gossip only…
I'm fed up with her tangled life story.