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Rewriting history

An article claiming the Holocaust was a fabrication causes an
uproar abroad and leads to the shut down of Marco Polo.

Michael Hoffman reports.

"'The Holocaust' was a fabricated story. The gas chambers and so on at
Auschwitz and the other concentration camps didn't exist. The 'gas chambers' currently
open to the public at the remains of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland were built either by the
???? Polish Communist government, or else by its ????, the Soviet Union. Neither ???? Auschwitz ????
anywhere else in ???? occupied by Germany during World War II, did even one 'mass extermination
of Jews' occur in 'gas chambers.'" -- Masanori Nishioka, Marco Polo(February).
"Mr. Ambassador, this article is more than a cruel joke. It is a monstrous attack on history and the
innocent victims of Nazism that slanders an entire people. It was timed to appear ???? the
Vary moment that world leaders ???? as Auschwitz ???? 25 27 ???? to ???? the 30th
anniversary of the liberation of that death factory and the innocent who
were ???? murdered ????."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper, ???? ???? of the Los Angeles-based
Simon Wiesenthal Center, a holocaust research