47 名前:可愛い奥様 投稿日:2008/08/12(火) 13:32:47 2j86xXUT0
http://img07.pics.livedoor.com/007/d/f/df65d52429794ef772d1-L.JPG on April 30,the body of 43-year-old film director Kawai Yoshita-ka was found in the
apartment belonging to (25?26?)-year-old actress oginome Keiko,whose younger sister is the pop star
Oginome Yoko.kawai had committed suicide and Oginome was hospital-bed for shock.
It was later revealed that the actress and the director(who was married)had been having an affair.
it's believed that Oginome wanted to end the affair against,Kawai's wishes.
The story had all the right ingredients for the weeklies,and they (in-dulged? )
themselves in plenty of gossipy speculation and moral (in-dignation.?)
Such magazines for women as Shukan Josei and Josei Seven focused on the outrageous
fact of infidelity, running articles end-tied "The wife's tragedy!"and "Oginome fell to
the ground and cried Sorry'to the director's wife".
Magazines stoutly defended their readers' right to know by Interviewing
Oginome's parents to ask for details of the relationship between Oginome and Kawai,
or by approaching Kawai's grieving widow for a comment.
Magazines aimed principally (atrher?) including Shukan Bunshun,Shukan Hoseki, and Shukan Asahi,
were more interested in what bad driven Kawai to suicide.
One view was that although Kawai was a talented director ,he may have been very vain
and unable to cope with rejection by a lover.
waiwai is translated by (Ho(?)o)記者名 (H(?)o). on this page,the
((?)s) of Japanese are in the order that would be used in a
pub-(?)tl(?)n in Japanese, Unless moted otherwise, the order Is
family marne, given name.