

Mainichi apologizes to UNICEF over Web story

>The Mainichi Newspapers Co., publisher of the Mainichi Shimbun, has apologized to the Japan Committee for UNICEF over an
>article it carried on its English-language Web site, the Mainichi Daily News, in June, it has been learned.

>According to the Japan Committee for UNICEF, which is in charge of public relations and fund-raising activities for UNICEF,
>the online article in question included some descriptions that infringed on the rights of children mentioned in it.

>The Tokyo-based organization received complaints about the article from supporters who said it should lodge a complaint with
>the Mainichi Shimbun. Some of them said they would even stop making donations to UNICEF unless the committee lodged a protest.

>When some of the protesters went ahead and stopped their endowment activities, the organization mailed a strongly worded
>protest to the newspaper company on July 22, demanding an apology.
>(Aug. 8, 2008)