Welcoome to motorbike board! [転載禁止]©2ch.net
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183 ◆Fto0w9tDKk :2015/02/06(金) 00:13:46.35 ID:VeSb/rDE0
239 名前:Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net 投稿日:2015/01/14(水) 22:26:09.14 ID:???0
245 自分:183 投稿日:2015/01/14(水) 22:50:51.39 ID:2p1iSLha0
>>239 Good night, Mr. Jim Watkins.
We, motorcycleist in 2ch, need another motorcycle board, because today's motorcycle board is very cloweded.
That's "BIKE" board.
http://anago.2ch.net/bike/ The new board should be specific motorcycle and manufactur board.
That's URL should be like this........ I think.
http://anago.2ch.net/motorcycle/ It's same pattern of today's specific car and manufactur boad.
http://hope.2ch.net/auto/ So, please make us another motorcycle board.
Sorry for repost, and Thanks for your 2ch.net maintain effort.....
Thank you very much!!
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183 ◆Fto0w9tDKk :2015/02/06(金) 00:19:02.44 ID:VeSb/rDE0
254 返信:Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net 投稿日:2015/01/14(水) 23:52:57.64 ID:???0 ?S★(711000)
http://img.2ch.net/premium/7515292.gif >>245 Please explain more to me. I like motorcycles. I have a Kawasaki.
I don't ride it anymore. My wife took it away from me because I fell down.
318 自分:183 ◆Fto0w9tDKk 投稿日:2015/01/15(木) 15:13:52.28 ID:noZLMLRH0
>>254 Tanak you for reply, Mr. Jim Watkins.
I'm also riding Kawasaki and KTM.
But, riding on Philippines street may be a littel adventure.....
The "BIKE" board is geting sled compression from 750 to 700 in every 2 or 3 weeks.
To keep sled, we must keep posting in every 2 or 3 days.
So, minor or older specific motorcycle or manufacture sled is difficult to mentain.
Such thing lover can't keep talking now.
There are 2 types of topics in "BIKE" board.
One is general motorcycle life, riding, tax, insulance, law, license and Another is specific motorcycle or manufacture.
So, making "motorcycle and manufacture board" like this is natural.
http://anago.2ch.net/motorcycle/ This URL also good, I think.
http://anago.2ch.net/moto/ That's why, We 2ch.net motorcyclist need another motorcycle and manufacture board.
Thanks for reading.
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183 ◆Fto0w9tDKk :2015/02/06(金) 00:22:31.32 ID:VeSb/rDE0
332 返信:Grape Ape ★ 投稿日:2015/01/15(木) 23:01:08.31 ID:???0 ?S★(711000)
http://img.2ch.net/premium/7515292.gif >>318 わかります。はい、そうです。もちろん、多分まつしかない。
Technical difficulties, please wait.
350 自分:183 ◆Fto0w9tDKk 投稿日:2015/01/16(金) 00:11:54.68 ID:nbQlQ+5H0
>>332 Of course, we can wait.
We, 2ch.net motorcycleist will very appliciate you, Jim-san.