
Nowadays,the word “gentleman” generates a ,mental image of a man who
is soft-spoken and respectful of other people,especially woman,regardless
of his background,but the breed is dying off. The most common stereotype
abroad for the British gentleman is probably the City businessman who
wears a dark suit and bowler hat,and always carries a rolled-up umbrella,
but people dressed like this in London have all but disappeared.

So,where have all the gentleman gone?

It is a sad sign of the times that the pace of modern-day life has made
people more self-centred and less obliged to show open respect for the
people around them. In past days,people like this were known as “cads,”
which has the opposite meaning of the word “gentlemen.” A perfect
example of a present-day cad is the Mr Bean character made famous
throughout the world by the British actor,Rowan Atkinson. A cad is a
self-centred man who has badly developed social skills and who spends most
of his time pursuing selfish objectives,oblivious of the opinions of the
people around him. He is rude,boastful,and generally disliked,but people
who fit this description are on the increase.

Having said that,the phrase “act like a gentleman ”is drummed into
male children in Britain from birth,and once one has learnt a certain
set of manners,it is not easy to discard them. Children are taught
several acts that are deemed to denote the manners of a gentleman.
These acts include waiting until someone has finished speaking before
speaking yourself,apologizing whether you are in the right or wrong,and,
of course,the famous “ladies first”rule,(unless the lady is walking
upstairs;then the man goes first.) This early training teaches male
children lessons that they neverforget,and they become force of habit
for even people who would seem to lack manners otherwise.

But allowing ladies to enter a door first does not make a gentleman.
A true gentleman is surrounded by a natural aura that is easily noticeable
by other people at a single glance,although in most cases they will not
be able to define how they have come to this decision. He is generally
neatly dressed,has a soft,friendly look on his face,and speaks in a soft
voice. When you see one,you will know. But you won’t know why you know.