
Mathusala and Batrache came to Switzerland. They came to front of many mountains. Mathusala looked up. Then a crow was flying in the sky. Mathusala called
out the crow, “Buna saira, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buon giorno!” And the crow came landing and answered, “Buon giorno!” Then Mathusala hesitated in an instant,
because she was apt to mistake Italian prepositions. But she asked to the crow, “Dove e Bernhard?” And the crow answered, “Sara in la terza montagna.” And
Mathusala said to the crow, “Grazie!” , and went to the third mountain. And they came to aparting of the ways. Then a horse existed on there. Mathusala
called out the horse, “Buon giorno, Buna saira, Bonjour, Guten Tag!” And the horse answered, “Hatschi! Guten Tag. Hust!” And Mathusala asked, “Wohin wohnt
Bernhard?” And the horse said, “Hust! Geh Hatschi! Geh Sie Hust! Nach rechts Hatschi!” Mathusala said, “Gehe Sie nacht rechts?” And the horse said, “Ja!”
And Mathusala did put her hand on the horse's forehead, and said, “Sie haben Fieber. Geh Sie nach einem Krankenhaus.” And they went to the right way. And
they came to an entrance to village. Then a muscular woman existed on there. And Mathusala called out to her, “Guten Tag, Buon giorno, Buna saira, Bonjour!”
And she has a beard who turned to her, and answered, “Bonjour!” , in baritone. Mathusala asked her, “Ouest Bernhard?” And she said, “Il habite tout pres.
Allons.” And they started. She said to Mathusala, “Tu as un accent espagnol. Pourquoi as-tu prise francais?” And Mathusala said, “Les premieres ?uvres
completes des litteratures classiques sont publiees en France.” And they came to the front of Bernhard's house.