
One day, a monument appeared in the air. It was floating alone. But a water column appeared under it, and tumbled down and became into
flood water occasionally. Then El Selenita watched a news on television. Then Casar said, “That monument is Atlas. We developed it for
inhabitants in arid region.” El Selenita said, “What is it written?” And Casar said, “It's written that Thirsters may drink without
fee, in our language.” And El Selenita jumped off from a precipice, and shouted, “El Renacuajo!” And El Renacuajo came flying and
opened the hatch, and slowed down under him. And El Selenita landed into the cockpit. At the same time, the hatch closed abruptly and
did hit El Selenita's head. And El Selenita shouted, “La Rana!” And El Renacuajo transformed into El Huevo, and combined with El Busto
and Galvani. And La Rana got been completed. El Selenita shouted, “A beam rifle!” And La Rana ejected a box from the mouth. And the
box transformed into a rifle. And La Rana shot Atlas with the rifle. But Atlas avoided the beam. Casar said, It's too far, therefore
it's easy to expect the track of the beam. Then El Loto came flying. And Endimion said, “Get on me!” And La Rana stepped El Loto.
And El Loto started to fly. And La Rana tried to shoot Atlas. Then Endimion said, “Wait! Perhaps our compatriot gets into Atlas.”
And El Loto launched a missile against Atlas. And Atlas got been broken partially. And the cockpit got been exposed. Then a water
goblin existed in there. Endimion said, “He isn't our compatriot!” And La Rana shot Atlas with the rifle.