
Private education is also available in Great Britain,but strangely,these
schools are known as public schools. There are a great many public school in
Great Britain,and the top three are known throughout the world for their high
levels of education;Eton,Harrow and Rugby. These schools are extremely
expensive,and the competition for entry is harsh. In many cases,children are
registered for entry before they are even born,although entry is not guaranteed
until they have passed certain examinations and interviews. Parents who fear
that their children are in danger of failing the examinations send them to
preparatory schools. The sole purpose of preparatory schools is to provide
children with sufficient knowledge to enable them to pass the entry examinations
to public schools. This places a great deal of pressure on the children,but a
public school record is also something that can be carried with pride throughout

Public schools may be seen as elitist in Britain,but they certainly provide an
excellent education.
The last few nights.
There are no doors between the bedrooms,but they all open out into the same corridor.We went through a small door into the corridor into which the bedrooms opened.
We shall walk out into the garden.
A moment later we were out on the dark road.