
It is said that in Britain it is possible to experience all four seasons
within a single day. Although this may be a slight exaggeration,there is
no doubt that the weather is so unpredictable that a warm and sunny summer
morning can easily turn to a cold,rainy storm within a few short hours.
Because of this,there is no custom of designating a certain period of the
year when winter clothes are put away and summer clothes extracted. All
clothes are kept available at all times of the year in order to be
prepared for all eventualities,and shops probably sell nearly as many
sweaters and overcoats in summer as they do in winter.

But Britain’s unpredictable climate also gives its citizens a lot of
experience in the vagaries of the weather,and this has turned everybody
into amateur weather forecasters. People claim to be able to “smell”
the rain coming,and predictions of a thunderstorm are rarely wrong.
In most cases people use their instincts for these forecasts. If the wind
is blowing in the right direction,it is, in fact,possible to smell the
approach of rain. A breezeless,humid day with a tang of ozone in the air
will also provide accurate predicttions of thunderstorms. And there are
other indications,too. A red sunset predicts fine weather the following
day,but a red sunrise points to bad weather. Rain can also be predicted
by thin clouds that resemble the patterns on a herring’s back,by cows
lying down,and by pine cones opening their bristles. In fact,there are
many items that can be used to predict rain.