
The repayment rate is 99 percent.
Grameen Bank routinely makes profit.
Financially, it is self-reliant and has not taken donor money since 1995.
According to Grameen Banks internal survey, 58 percent of our borrowers have crossed the poverty line.
Grameen Bank was born as a tiny homegrown project run with the help of several of my students, all local girls and boys.
Three of these students are still with me in Grameen Bank, after all these years, as its topmost executives.
They are here today to receive this honor you give us.
This idea, which began in Jobra, a small village in Bangladesh, has spread around the world and there are now Grameen type programs in almost every country.

Once attractive markets have been identified,
it is important to consider the timing of entry.
We say that entry is early when an international business enters a
foreign market before other foreign firms and late when it enters
after other international businesses have already established
themselves. The advantages frequently associated with entering a
marker early are commonly known as first-mover advantages.
One first-mover advantage is the ability to preempt rivals and
capture demand by establishing a strong brand name. A second
advantage is the ability to build sales volume in that country and
ride down the experience curve ahead of rivals, giving the early
entrant a cost advantage over later entrants.
This cost advantage may enable the early entrant to cut prices below
that of later entrants, thereby driving them out of the market.
A third advantage is the ability of early entrants to create
switching costs that tie customers into their products or services.
Such switching costs make it difficult for later entrants to win